Você está gerenciando o armazenamento de materiais no local. Como você pode garantir proteção contra roubo ou danos?
Ao gerenciar o armazenamento de materiais no local, evitar roubos e danos é fundamental. Aqui estão as estratégias para reforçar a segurança:
- Instale câmeras de vigilância e sistemas de alarme para impedir e detectar acesso não autorizado.
- Realize verificações regulares de estoque para monitorar materiais e identificar rapidamente discrepâncias.
- Treine a equipe em protocolos de segurança e incentive a vigilância para detectar riscos potenciais.
Como você enfrenta o desafio de proteger os materiais em seu site?
Você está gerenciando o armazenamento de materiais no local. Como você pode garantir proteção contra roubo ou danos?
Ao gerenciar o armazenamento de materiais no local, evitar roubos e danos é fundamental. Aqui estão as estratégias para reforçar a segurança:
- Instale câmeras de vigilância e sistemas de alarme para impedir e detectar acesso não autorizado.
- Realize verificações regulares de estoque para monitorar materiais e identificar rapidamente discrepâncias.
- Treine a equipe em protocolos de segurança e incentive a vigilância para detectar riscos potenciais.
Como você enfrenta o desafio de proteger os materiais em seu site?
Teresa , Nyein Nyein Ei
Master of Construction ( Quantity Surveying) RICS / NZIQS (affiliate member)
• Use locked fences, gates, and secure structures for protection. • Keep a detailed inventory of all materials for quick identification of missing or damaged items. •Limit access to storage areas to authorized personnel using key cards or codes. • Use waterproof covers, raise materials off the ground, and store sensitive items in climate-controlled environments. • Keep the site clear of debris to reduce risk of accidental damage. • Ensure adequate coverage for high-value materials to mitigate financial losses. • Train site personnel on security practices and proper material handling. • Employ RFID tags, mobile surveillance units, and drones for monitoring.
Implement Inventory management practices that align with site requirements rather than engaging in early hoarding, which can negatively impact corporate cash flow. This approach will also reduce the overall storage capacity that needs to be managed. Furthermore, ensure that the storage location is situated within close proximity to the site location, allowing for surveillance by individuals, excluding the storekeeper. Additionally, install CCTV surveillance cameras that operate 24 hours a day and ensure that lockable gates are installed and activated after working hours. Periodic inventory reconciliation, facilitated by a robust IT system, will further enhance the organization’s ability to monitor material issues and material deliveries.
La mejor estrategia para garatizar la protección contra los robos o daños, es siempre incluir dentro de la negociación la entrega bajo demanda del material. En una construcción los volumenes son grandes y el transporte puede coordinarse con la planificación. Esto te permite minimizar los riesgos propios de la procura. Puede pasar también que el costo de la logística no te permite planificar entregas parciales del material, en este caso dentro de la construcción se debe preveer un área cerrada para el almacenamiento adecuado de los materiales. Si aplicas Scrum como framework en la gestión de la construccción, tienes la ventaja de ciclos iterativos a corto plazo, que permiten mejorar la logística con la planificación.
- Install surveillance cameras and alarm systems to deter and detect unauthorized access. - Conduct regular inventory checks to monitor materials and quickly identify discrepancies. - Train staff on security protocols and encourage vigilance to spot potential risks.
The main headlines for securing an on-site Storage area from my POV are: 1. Secure Storage Areas with Controlled Access. 2. Inventory Management through regular labeling and Tagging. 3. Lighting and Surveillance using CCTV Cameras. 4. On-Site Security Personnel with Night Patrols. 5. Weather Protection by Coverings and Enclosures. 6. Material Handling Protocols for Organized Storage. 7. Clear Documentation and Training for Material Handling. 8. Insurance Coverage for Theft and Damage.
Compound and Lay down areas must be adequately secure by utilising appropriate fencing or hoarding. Secured gates coupled with added security measures such as Daleks, CCTV, Gatesmen or Security Guards also enhances protection on site. Physical measures such as regular inventory checks also safeguards internal vigilance against theft.
To material storage on site effectively, establish a secure, organized storage area with controlled access. Implement an inventory tracking system for monitoring stock levels and movements. Use weather-resistant coverings and structures to protect materials from environmental damage. Employ security measures like surveillance cameras and fencing to deter theft. Conduct regular audits and staff training to ensure compliance with safety and security protocols.
THE FACT IS! Your property will grow legs and walk off. If the equipment or property you issue to your workers is not accounted for, have them sign for it, or sign it in/out, otherwise there's is a good chance it will get lost. I agree with the others, lock your equipment up, account for it when it goes out by having one person accountable for it and count it when it comes back. The property that you need to account for is anything with a dollar value that you feel is worthy of your time to have accountability for or property that continues to get missing and you have to continuously replace, or something that can be turned easily on the street. TIP: Monitor your portable fuel cells. Selling fuel right off the vehicle is a hot topic.
Beside very reasonable points in the article, I would recommend: 1) if there critical/long lead items, consider removing them to secure store. 2) if not possible, compare risk of their loss and cost of hiring a dedicated third party security service. 3) make sure a contract with such service shift liability to them to ensure all proper precautions are taken and maintained, including proper patrols to immediately respond to trespassing captured by surveillance (should be permitted by the local law). 4) do not keep too much on site 5) do not overly publicize the compositoon and levels of site stock to reduce chatting potential
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