Os professores estão em desacordo sobre as estratégias de disciplina dos alunos. Como você pode ajudá-los a encontrar um terreno comum?
A discordância entre os professores sobre as estratégias disciplinares pode criar um ambiente de aprendizagem fragmentado. Para promover a consistência e o respeito, considere estas etapas:
- Estabelecer um comitê para criar uma política disciplinar unificada, garantindo que todas as vozes sejam ouvidas.
- Introduzir sessões de desenvolvimento profissional focadas em práticas disciplinares eficazes e equitativas.
- Incentive o diálogo aberto por meio de reuniões regulares para discutir preocupações e compartilhar sucessos.
Como você aborda a construção de consenso sobre a disciplina do aluno? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Os professores estão em desacordo sobre as estratégias de disciplina dos alunos. Como você pode ajudá-los a encontrar um terreno comum?
A discordância entre os professores sobre as estratégias disciplinares pode criar um ambiente de aprendizagem fragmentado. Para promover a consistência e o respeito, considere estas etapas:
- Estabelecer um comitê para criar uma política disciplinar unificada, garantindo que todas as vozes sejam ouvidas.
- Introduzir sessões de desenvolvimento profissional focadas em práticas disciplinares eficazes e equitativas.
- Incentive o diálogo aberto por meio de reuniões regulares para discutir preocupações e compartilhar sucessos.
Como você aborda a construção de consenso sobre a disciplina do aluno? Compartilhe suas estratégias.
Building relationships with students is the way to build discipline. Be fair and kind. Believe in their talents and enjoy working with them. Unconditional positive regard at all times. Make your class safe and happy. Follow everything up, yourself, don’t turn it over to SLT.
Always treat students as if they were your own child. Don't take it personal. We don't know what is happening, or not happening in their lives when they come to school. Ask yourself if this was my child how would I want them to be treated. Always have a discipline plan in place and make the students and families know what it is at the beginning of the year. Stick to the plan. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Students and parents respond better the parameters are clearly stated. Special circumstances for individual cases can be addressed as situations arise.
My 2 cents: 1. Form a discipline committee/ anti bullying committee to monitor any untoward behaviour or act of indiscipline. 2. Have the correct SOPs, rules and regulations in place with proper penalties for those who violate the norms of school. 3. Have a Student Council in place where students get to learn from their peers as their role models 4. Each grade has a Class Leader to monitor indiscipline 5. Have Happiness Ambassadors in school to appreciate and applaud good behaviour 6. Have regular meetings, assemblies to address any grey areas 7. Love, Honesty, Gratitude, Empathy, Servant Leadership, Discipleship, etc. Celebrate and observe one act of kindness every month so that the thought process and mindset of kids improve.
With disciple, it’s essential to play the long game. This means that students, staff, and families act as partners to support student behavior and create a positive community. Common understandings and expectations come first. Students contribute to norms needed to achieve common goals. It provides buy in to align behaviors to these norms. The next step for staff to acknowledge when students demonstrate norms with comments like “You showed empathy when you stopped to help.” to show the behavior had a positive effect on another & avoids adult centric praise. Misbehavior and off task behavior is addressed w/ positive & productive interventions. When students “make it right”, it creates a clean slate and maintains the positive community.
Inconsistent discipline strategies can lead to a disjointed atmosphere that hinders development . To promote an environment of respect and cohesion, we should strive to implement fair, transparent disciplinary policies applied evenly to all. Clearly communicating behavioral expectations and consequences upfront sets the tone. Focusing on positive reinforcement of good conduct is more effective than only punishing infractions.
Consensus is vital to ensuring successful implementation of discipline strategies. We need to establish - a collaborative policy in consultation with all stakeholders - conduct PD Sessions. This enables consistency in implementation - create an environment where staff can openly share concerns, celebrate successes and discuss best practices.
1. Facilitate Open Dialogue: Arrange a meeting for teachers to share their perspectives and concerns regarding discipline strategies. 2. Set Common Goals: Emphasize shared objectives like student growth, respect, and positive behavior. 3. Provide Training: Organize workshops on evidence-based discipline strategies to create a shared knowledge base. 4. Develop a Unified Policy: Collaboratively create a discipline framework that incorporates input from all teachers. 5. Encourage Consistency: Stress the importance of consistent application of discipline strategies across classrooms. 6. Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly review the effectiveness of the strategies and make adjustments as needed. 7. Promote Empathy
Facilitate discussions emphasising shared goals, fostering a positive learning environment and student growth. Behaviour is often a cry for help, so view discipline through a compassionate lens, exploring root causes with professional support when needed. Together, develop consistent, fair strategies that prioritise student well-being and growth.
I am for an initiative which involves students with recurring behavioral issues, create individual behavior plans that blend empathy (e.g., addressing underlying causes) with clear expectations and consequences. It is important to recognize and reward good behavior to encourage positive actions.
Discipline in any institution: human or in the animal kingdom, reflects itself in the calibre of leadership. Weak or laissez faire leadership has a laxed approach to discipline. Authoritarian approach brings about rigid and non compromised approach to discipline.The best and workable one is a democratic approach . Here almost every decision is reached on consensus. Minimal diversions are dealt with in a diplomatic way. Whatever form of of discipline is agreed upon, is administered in a fair, transparent and humane way.
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