We're very excited to share our latest #casestudy on how atNorth, a leading Nordic data center services company, enhanced their energy efficiency and operational performance by implementing SnerpaPower's next-generation Energy Management System. 💡 Discover how our collaboration with atNorth led to automated processes, minimized imbalance costs, and a more sustainable energy ecosystem. 📥 Download and/or read the case study on our website below. #EnergyManagement #DataCenters #Sustainability #EnergyEfficiency #Innovation #DigitalTransformation #Collaboration #SmartEnergySolutions #GreenEnergy #MakeEveryMegawattCount
Automation Machinery Manufacturing
Shifting the focus to the demand side to speed up the energy transition
About us
SNERPA Power is developing intelligent energy services that tap into the full potential of the power intensive industry in Iceland, thereby creating new revenue streams, increasing the competitiveness of the Icelandic market for electricity and leaving more room for the energy transition. SNERPA Power has received several grants, among others from the Technology Development Fund in Iceland, the National Energy Fund and the Entrepreneurship Fund of Islandsbanki.
- Website
External link for SnerpaPower
- Industry
- Automation Machinery Manufacturing
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Reykjavik
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 2022
Reykjavik, IS
Employees at SnerpaPower
▶️Við tókum þátt í ráðstefnunni GAGNVIST 2024 í vikunni◀️ Þar var fjallað um þau gríðarlegu tækifæri sem liggja í bættu aðgengi að gögnum og nýtingu þeirra. Hörður Ingi Björnsson, gagnasérfræðingur okkar hjá SnerpaPower, hélt erindi um það hvernig aðgengi að gögnum og gagnastraumum skapar tækifæri til virðissköpunar fyrir orkusækinn iðnað á raforkumarkaði. 🤝 SnerpaPower var fyrsta fyrirtækið á Íslandi til að nýta sér þjónustu EDIH-IS - Miðstöð stafrænnar nýsköpunar á völdum sviðum gagnavísinda og netöryggis og við höfum verið í góðu samstarfi við bæði Háskóli Íslands og Reykjavik University. 🤝 Unnið er að íslenskri gagnastefnu sem hefur að markmiði að skapa sameiginlega sýn sem styður við gagnadrifna verðmætasköpun á Íslandi. Það er svo sannarlega til mikils að vinna að byggja upp sterkt gagnavistkerfi á íslandi og mikilvægt að bæði opinberir aðilar og fyrirtæki gangi í takt í átt að sömu markmiðum. SnerpaPower kemur gjarnan inn í þá umræðu og styður við þróun á sviði raforkumála. 💡 Um Gagnavist 2024: Hagstofa Íslands stóð fyrir ráðstefnunni í samstarfi við Háskóla-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðuneytið, Fjármála- og efnahagsráðuneytið ásamt EDIH-IS - Miðstöð stafrænnar nýsköpunar um þróun íslenska gagnavistkerfisins.
📢 The MaksGrid website is now launched: maksgrid.no 📢 You can already view a recording from the first project webinar, learn about the project organization and objective, find the latest news and subscribe to The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre newsletter. And more will come, stay tuned!
Vi er glade for å meddele at nettstedet maksgrid.no er tilgjengelig. The Norwegian Smartgrid Centre har laget og drifter nettstedet. Sjekk det ut. Nettsiden vil fungere som en plattform for nyheter, resultatspredning og informasjon om dette Pilot-E prosjektet som skal teste ut hvordan ulike løsninger kan øke kapasiteten i nettet. #Smartgrids Anders Granum Sonja Monica Berlijn Per-Oddvar Osland Gunnar Vist Robert Nyiredy Jøran Nilssen Sven Arild Kjerpeset Iris Baldursdottir Trond Rikard Olsen Line Bergfjord Svein Erik Thorsen Arne Brufladt Svendsen Duncan Graham Maren Istad Oddbjørn Gjerde Frida Berglund Lucas Thomée Kjetil Ingeberg Knut Styve Hornnes Lester Kalemba, Jun Elin Wiik Atle Ripegutu
maksgrid.no – Nettsiden til Prosjekt: MaksGrid
💡 Curious about Project: MaksGrid? 📅 Set aside time on the 19th of November 13:30-15:00 CET to attend the first MaksGrid webinar! 🔉Our CEO, Iris Baldursdottir, will be speaking, and you will also hear from the project owner Statnett SF, project leader DNV, the research center SINTEF Energy Research, grid owner Glitre Nett. ❔ Please note that the event is in Norwegian. 🤝 Other project partners of the MaksGrid project are: Heimdall Power, Infinigrid AS, Tensio, Linja AS, Lede AS, BKK. #MaksGrid #EnergyEfficiency #GridEfficiency
Kan vi øke nettkapasiteten med 25%? Gjennom Project: MaksGrid skal dette testes gjennom risikobaserte driftsmetoder, dynamiske overføringsgrenser, og koordinert automatisk systemstyring. Den 19. november kl. 13:30 deler vi et unikt innblikk i prosjektet. Du vil høre fra prosjekteier Statnett SF, prosjektleder DNV, forskningsinstitusjonen SINTEF Energi AS, nettselskapet Glitre Nett og teknologileverandøren SnerpaPower. Heimdall Power Infinigrid AS Tensio Linja AS BKK og Lede AS er også med i prosjektet. #Smartgrids #MaksGrid Jun Elin Wiik Christian Naustvik Økland Khanh Tuan Le Kenneth Brandsås
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Going to Slush in Helsinki this year? Meet us there on November 20-21! Eyrun Linnet, Iris Baldursdottir
We were honored to have SnerpaPower´s CEO, Iris Baldursdottir, join the Icelandic Business Delegation accompanying the President of Iceland, Halla Tomasdottir, on her official state visit to Denmark last week, hosted by His Majesty King Frederik of Denmark. The visit highlighted the strong ties between Iceland and Denmark, with a focus on collaboration in sustainable energy, technology and green innovation 🌱. SnerpaPower benefitted from connecting with Danish industry leaders and government representatives, sharing insights on the role of #data-#driven #energy #solutions in supporting the #green #transition and enhancing power system #efficiency and #stability. 🗣️ “I could feel the positive energy flowing throughout the program! It was inspiring to exchange with leaders and industry peers from both countries and there are clear opportunities in leveraging the unique strengths of both Iceland and Denmark with regards to green solutions.” – Íris Baldurdóttir, CEO and Co-founder of SnerpaPower The event presented a unique opportunity for exchange and sharing of perspectives, as we collectively work toward a sustainable future! Business Iceland Grænvangur State of Green Denmark #SnerpaPower #GreenTransition #EnergyInnovation #IcelandDenmarkRelations #StateVisit #SustainableEnergy
(english below) Fundur Landsvirkjunar: "Raforkumarkaðir - fyrir hverja?", gaf góða yfirsýn í stöðu og framtíð raforkumarkaðar á Íslandi. Pallborð voru þétt skipuð og umræður líflegar. Við hjá SnerpaPower erum stolt af því að Tæknistjórinn okkar, Eyrun Linnet, tók þátt í viðburðinum. Það var þrennt sem kom fram í hennar tölu: 1️⃣➡️ Raforkumarkaðurinn á Íslandi þarf að ná auknum þroska til að mæta vaxandi orkuþörf. 2️⃣➡️ Óháður markaður sem nýtur gagnsæis og trausts allra þátttakenda er grundvöllur til að tryggja árangur til framtíðar. 3️⃣➡️ Mikilvægt er að markaðslausnir séu að fullu stafrænar til að tryggja skilvirkni og samræmi. Viðburðurinn vakti mikla athygli, salurinn var fullskipaður og fjölmargir hagaðilar deildu sjónarmiðum sínum og áskorunum. Við þökkum Landsvirkjun fyrir að skapa þennan vettvang til að þroska samtalið - saman finnum við lausnir sem stuðla að samkeppnishæfum raforkumarkaði fyrir öll! #SnerpaPower #Raforkumarkaður #Orkumál #StafrænFramtíð #Ísland Landsvirkjun’s event, “Electricity Markets – For Whom?”, offered invaluable insights into the status and future of Iceland’s electricity market. We at SnerpaPower are proud of our CTO, Eyrún Linnet, who contributed to this important discussion. Eyrún highlighted three pillars for advancing the electricity market: 1️⃣➡️ The Icelandic electricity market must reach greater maturity to meet evolving energy demands. 2️⃣➡️ An independent market founded on transparency and the trust of all participants is essential for future success. 3️⃣➡️ Fully digital market solutions are necessary to ensure efficiency and alignment. The event was well-attended, with all seats filled, as stakeholders shared their perspectives and challenges. Our thanks to Landsvirkjun for organizing this platform for collaboration – together, we aim for a more developed and resilient electricity market in Iceland! #SnerpaPower #ElectricityMarket #EnergyInnovation #DigitalFuture #Iceland
🌟 What an incredible week for SnerpaPower in Oslo! 🌟 Wrapping up a busy and fruitful week here in Oslo in combination with the lively Oslo Innovation Week. Big thank you to: ➡ Embassy of Iceland in Norway, Oslo for hosting the event "Innovation from the Saga Nation" giving us the stage to pitch and discuss together with other tech companies. ➡ All the industry leaders who took the time to meet with us to share challenges and explore cutting-edge innovations. From exciting discussions around the future of renewable energy to exchanging insights with top players in Norway’s industry, it’s been a week full of inspiration and opportunities! A big thanks to the organizers and everyone we met for the enriching conversations. We’re excited to keep building these relationships as we drive innovation with SnerpaPower further in the Nordics.⚡️ #OsloInnovationWeek #EnergyInnovation #Renewables #SnerpaPower #InnovationLeadership #Norway Iris Baldursdottir 🚀 Anders Holten Skånlund
We are looking forward to Oslo Innovation Week and pitching at the Embassy of Iceland in Norway, Oslo at their event - Innovation from the Saga Nation. ⚡Take a look and see you there!⚡
Only 8 DAYS until our event during Oslo Innovation Week - Innovation from the Saga Nation 💡 To celebrate the fact that our event reached full capacity via our registration link a month in advance, we are going to have an official COUNTDOWN where we will with each countdown introduce one speaker and a few of the startups from Iceland joining our event ❗ Starting off strong - let us introduce our first speaker (and musician 🎹) and two of our amazing startups pitching during the event 💪 Sigurdur Arnason | Overtune Siggi is the CEO of Overtune, an interactive beatmaker. Siggi will be doing a keynote and an interactive piano experience. Siggi's jazz experience is all about social connections. Guests gather around the piano, join in singing, and network. The atmosphere will be casual, with people mingling and enjoying the company. You can expect an energetic vibe, filled with syncopated rhythms and spontaneous solos. Prepare for an exciting fusion of music, culture, and community that captures the spirit of Oslo, a city renowned for its creativity and resilience. SnerpaPower SnerpaPower is a technology provider on a mission to transform the energy landscape through innovation, technology and an unwavering commitment to sustainability. The company is committed to shaping a greener and more resilient energy landscape. SnerpaPower provides power intensive users, such as data center operators, hydrogen producers and aluminium smelters with a deep-tech SaaS platform for power management, to maximize their contribution to a net-zero energy system and minimize their electricity costs. GeoSilica Iceland GeoSilica is an Icelandic company that specializes in producing natural silica-based supplements. The company was founded in 2012 and is known for harnessing the geothermal resources of Iceland, specifically the pure silica found in geothermal waters. GeoSilica's primary product line consists of liquid silica supplements, which are marketed for their health benefits, particularly for supporting healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, and joints. The company prides itself on sustainable production methods, sourcing its silica from environmentally friendly geothermal processes. GeoSilica's products are free from artificial additives and are designed to offer a natural way to supplement the body’s silica levels. Stay tuned for our next countdown 📅 Nordic Ignite | Icelandair | Iceland Innovation Week | Accrona | Post50 Ventures | SDG\TBWA | KLAK - Icelandic Startups | The Norwegian-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce | Business Iceland #oiw2024