Estás liderando un grupo diverso de estudiantes culinarios. ¿Cómo se puede cultivar la inclusión y el respeto?
¿Tienes curiosidad por liderar con inclusión? Comparta sus estrategias para fomentar el respeto en un grupo diverso.
Estás liderando un grupo diverso de estudiantes culinarios. ¿Cómo se puede cultivar la inclusión y el respeto?
¿Tienes curiosidad por liderar con inclusión? Comparta sus estrategias para fomentar el respeto en un grupo diverso.
One of the great benefits of teaching culinary arts is that it is perhaps one of the most global subjects you can teach. When covering a specific cultural ingredient or technique, there's often an opportunity to engage students who have direct experience with that ingredient or method. Encourage them to share their insights, as they often bring valuable perspectives to the class. This approach doesn’t mean shifting the teaching responsibility but rather enhancing the learning experience by combining the instructor’s guidance with the diverse expertise of the students.
An inclusive classroom helps to cultivate each learners' potential regardless of who they are. Engaging in inclusive practices as a teacher helps every learner to have their training needs met.
1. Before starting set expectations and clear rules. 2. Encourage open communication and make them feel like their contributions count. 3. Pair them to work together.
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