Tu cliente se resiste a tus consejos. ¿Cómo puedes guiarlos hacia el crecimiento?
Cuando los clientes rechazan los consejos, es crucial comprender su perspectiva y guiarlos suavemente hacia el crecimiento. Para superar este desafío:
- Escuchar activamente para comprender sus preocupaciones, validando sus sentimientos sin estar de acuerdo con su postura.
- Use preguntas para guiar el descubrimiento, ayudándolos a ver el valor de sus consejos a través de la autorreflexión.
- Proporcione ejemplos basados en evidencia que demuestren el éxito de su enfoque, persuadiéndolos suavemente para que lo reconsideren.
¿Cómo manejas la resistencia de los clientes? Comparte tus estrategias.
Tu cliente se resiste a tus consejos. ¿Cómo puedes guiarlos hacia el crecimiento?
Cuando los clientes rechazan los consejos, es crucial comprender su perspectiva y guiarlos suavemente hacia el crecimiento. Para superar este desafío:
- Escuchar activamente para comprender sus preocupaciones, validando sus sentimientos sin estar de acuerdo con su postura.
- Use preguntas para guiar el descubrimiento, ayudándolos a ver el valor de sus consejos a través de la autorreflexión.
- Proporcione ejemplos basados en evidencia que demuestren el éxito de su enfoque, persuadiéndolos suavemente para que lo reconsideren.
¿Cómo manejas la resistencia de los clientes? Comparte tus estrategias.
TIP: As an executive coach, your role is not to deliver advice but to guide the client through a process of discovery and ownership of their decisions. While navigating different hats (executive coach, advisor, consultant, or sparring partner) attachment to your advice can be counterproductive. Resistance from a client often reveals deeper insights into their perspective. Instead of focusing on "why they resist," ask yourself, "why am I so attached to this advice?" Detaching from your ideas creates space for authentic dialogue and allows the client to find their path, fostering true growth and autonomy.
When clients resist advice, I view it as an invitation to challenge assumptions and build alignment. Resistance often masks uncertainty, so I approach it with curiosity, asking incisive questions to uncover the root cause of their hesitation. By reframing my guidance within the context of their goals, I shift the focus from what they fear to what they can achieve. Real-world success stories and tangible examples help transform doubt into confidence, while patience and clarity ensure the process feels collaborative. Growth isn’t about compliance—it’s about unlocking their potential to embrace progress on their terms.
Todo buen Coach debe de entender primero a su cliente, sus preocupaciones y por que se está negando, en el proceso generar la confianza necesaria para ir avanzando y lo fundamental es asegurar que el cliente descubra a través de si mismo todo el potencial y la gran sabiduría que tiene !!
I believe coaching is never about giving advice. If I’m offering solutions, I’m not coaching—I’m mentoring. My role as a coach is to connect my clients to their wisdom, not mine. It’s about challenging their thinking, holding up a mirror, and sparking insights. True growth happens when clients tap into their own clarity and discover the answers that resonate deeply with their goals and challenges.
Why give advice in the first place? The challenge lies in helping the client gain perspective through an exercise. If multiple perspectives emerge, guide the client in narrowing down to the one that best fits the moment—again, through an exercise. If the client still seeks support, then brainstorm together! The advice they are looking for may emerge organically, either in that session or over the course of multiple sessions.
When a client resists advice, I’d take a step back and try to understand where they’re coming from. Maybe they’re unsure, overwhelmed, or don’t feel fully heard yet. I’d have an open conversation, ask questions, and really listen to what’s on their mind. From there, I’d work with them to find a way forward that feels right for them—small, doable steps that align with what they truly want. Growth isn’t about pushing; it’s about walking alongside someone at their own pace, with patience and understanding.
Un cliente me dijo una vez: “No creo que esto funcione para mí”. En lugar de insistir, pregunté: “¿Qué crees que necesitas para avanzar en este desafío?”. Esa pregunta cambió la dinámica y lo llevó a reflexionar sobre sus propias soluciones. La resistencia no es un bloqueo, es una oportunidad para profundizar. En lugar de empujar, guía con preguntas abiertas que fomenten la autoexploración. Al conectar sus propios insights con los objetivos, el crecimiento se vuelve una decisión que ellos abrazan, no algo impuesto. El coaching es acompañar, no dirigir.
Resistance is a natural part of the coaching process, often stemming from fear of change, deeply ingrained beliefs, or misaligned priorities. My role is to create a safe, nonjudgmental space where clients feel heard and supported, paving the way for reflection and growth. Building trust and rapport is essential, as resistance diminishes when clients feel their perspectives are valued. I prioritize understanding the root cause of their hesitation through open-ended questions like, "What feels challenging about this approach?" or "What concerns do you have about this direction?" Reframing resistance as an opportunity for exploration helps clients see it as a stepping stone rather than a barrier, fostering progress at the client's pace!
Start with an inside-out focus by discussing with the client the org strategy and desired culture, and how they will ensure success in the market. Then conduct an outside-in analysis by reflecting on the key trends in the economic environment and how best to capitalize on them. The discussion above should be informed by analytics and testimonials for 2-3 possible directions for the organization to facilitate the decision by the business leader and any refinement of the strategy and culture.
Orientar clientes resistentes exige mais do que argumentos — requer empatia e habilidade para guiar. Ouvir ativamente, validando preocupações sem julgamento, cria uma base de confiança essencial. Usar perguntas estratégicas que incentivem a autorreflexão permite que o cliente descubra por si mesmo o valor do conselho. Além disso, histórias reais e exemplos práticos baseados em dados reforçam a credibilidade e ajudam a transformar resistência em abertura. A verdadeira arte de aconselhar está em inspirar confiança e fomentar o crescimento mútuo.
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