Estás dividido entre los objetivos de marketing y los de recaudación de fondos. ¿Cómo puedes encontrar el equilibrio adecuado?
Cuando tus objetivos de marketing y recaudación de fondos parecen estar en desacuerdo, lograr el equilibrio adecuado es clave para el éxito. Para superar este desafío:
- Alinear los objetivos identificando resultados compartidos que beneficien tanto a los esfuerzos de marketing como a los de recaudación de fondos.
- Priorizar en función del impacto, centrándose primero en las actividades que impulsan tanto la concienciación como los ingresos.
- Mida y ajuste regularmente, utilizando datos para refinar estrategias y asegurarse de que ambas áreas se complementen entre sí.
¿Cómo equilibra los objetivos contrapuestos en su organización? Comparte tus estrategias.
Estás dividido entre los objetivos de marketing y los de recaudación de fondos. ¿Cómo puedes encontrar el equilibrio adecuado?
Cuando tus objetivos de marketing y recaudación de fondos parecen estar en desacuerdo, lograr el equilibrio adecuado es clave para el éxito. Para superar este desafío:
- Alinear los objetivos identificando resultados compartidos que beneficien tanto a los esfuerzos de marketing como a los de recaudación de fondos.
- Priorizar en función del impacto, centrándose primero en las actividades que impulsan tanto la concienciación como los ingresos.
- Mida y ajuste regularmente, utilizando datos para refinar estrategias y asegurarse de que ambas áreas se complementen entre sí.
¿Cómo equilibra los objetivos contrapuestos en su organización? Comparte tus estrategias.
Jean Poitras
Arts administrator
(editado)When marketing and fundraising are aligned with the core mission of the organization, it creates a natural synergy that ensures both efforts are purposeful and effective. By keeping the mission at the center of all activities, you avoid confusion and distractions, and your messaging will resonate more authentically with your audience. Whether you’re engaging with potential donors or spreading awareness to a broader community, the shared focus on your organization's purpose strengthens both the marketing and fundraising strategies.
Avant de faire de grandes stratégies marketing, il faut trouver son marché et ses clients. Trop souvent, on voit des start-ups chercher à lever beaucoup d’argent car elles ont de gros besoins marketing en acquisition, notoriété… la réalité c’est qu’avec un bon produit, vous limitez le coût d’acquisition et vous maximisez la recommandation. Cela vous permettra de 1/ concentrer vos moyens marketing sur des leviers d’accélération 2/ convaincre vos investisseurs qu’il peut miser sur vous.
They should be aligned and supporting each other. Some will say, if you get your marketing strategies right, donors would come knocking on your door thus meeting your fundraising objectives. Similarly, if your loyal pool of donors resonate with your cause then they will be your biggest marketers.
Fundraising should be one of the primary goals of marketing, if we are talking about an NGO. Hence, the marketing strategy should incorporate measurable ways to determine the effectiveness of marketing activities to this effect.
Our team believes in a 50/50 for marketing and fundraising. You need to market so that your organization is highlighted and recognized and you also need to have sufficient funding sources or your organization would close its doors. They are both equally important.
Align Goals: Identify overlaps between marketing and fundraising objectives. Prioritize ROI: Focus on activities that deliver the highest impact for both. Create Dual Campaigns: Integrate fundraising messages into marketing efforts. Leverage Data: Use analytics to determine which efforts drive the best results. Allocate Resources Strategically: Divide budgets and time based on priority and urgency. Engage Stakeholders: Collaborate with teams to align on shared goals. Track Progress: Regularly review outcomes to adjust and rebalance efforts.
Se planejando, buscando dividir seu tempo adequadamente. Um bom Planejamento estratégico e melhor que uma ação sem razão ou logica para acontecer. quem Planeja jamais e pego de supresa. porque ja analisou todas as ipotises de riscos, e sempre tem o plano B.
Marketing and fundraising at high level is the same. The main goal is to get income to keep the organisation running; independently if for profit or not for profit. Marketing is focusing on get income from sales or service delivery directly. Fundraising ask for venture capital, expansion or cashflow in order to be more productive and leverage the former. So the answer depends at which point of business or product cycle you are and how much leverage is demanded. Usually, more fundraising requires more leverage, where marketing at product sales level keeps you more independent. Further, who brings the money is in control. The only way to stay independent is to diversify, be it customers or investors.
If your team struggles to balance marketing and fundraising strategies, you must go straight to the organization's overall revenue model. 50-75% of any organization's revenue should come from deep relationships with investment-level donors (fundraising). And, 25% of revenue should come from mass or grassroots donors (marketing). A high-ROI funding model dictates the balance. Orgs who don't have a model or strategy rooted in a high-ROI model will always be torn between fundraising and marketing. This is why 90%+ of orgs in the US have budgets under $1M annually.
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