El miembro de su equipo se resiste a las actividades para romper el hielo. ¿Cómo puedes fomentar su participación?
Cuando encuentre resistencia a las actividades para romper el hielo, es esencial abordar la situación con empatía y tacto. Estas son algunas estrategias para fomentar la participación:
- Personaliza la experiencia. Adapta las actividades a los intereses de tu equipo para hacerlas más atractivas.
- Ofrece opciones. Dé voz a los miembros del equipo sobre las actividades en las que les gustaría participar.
- Destaca los beneficios. Aclarar cómo estas actividades pueden fomentar una mejor dinámica de equipo y mejorar la colaboración.
¿Cómo ha logrado involucrar a los participantes reacios en los ejercicios de formación de equipos?
El miembro de su equipo se resiste a las actividades para romper el hielo. ¿Cómo puedes fomentar su participación?
Cuando encuentre resistencia a las actividades para romper el hielo, es esencial abordar la situación con empatía y tacto. Estas son algunas estrategias para fomentar la participación:
- Personaliza la experiencia. Adapta las actividades a los intereses de tu equipo para hacerlas más atractivas.
- Ofrece opciones. Dé voz a los miembros del equipo sobre las actividades en las que les gustaría participar.
- Destaca los beneficios. Aclarar cómo estas actividades pueden fomentar una mejor dinámica de equipo y mejorar la colaboración.
¿Cómo ha logrado involucrar a los participantes reacios en los ejercicios de formación de equipos?
Don't. Shift your frame from ice breakers to purposeful activities related to what you're doing during a session. Forget icebreakers that are just there to create "team building" or "mandatory fun" — flip how you look at this, build the experience, offsite, meeting FIRST then think about what type of opening moments would put people in the right mindset to do what they are going to do together.
Don't surprise people with the icebreaker or the connection question in the moment. Give them advanced notice of what you will be asking or the activity you will be doing. Speaking from experience, as a huge introvert, I don't like being put on the spot with icebreakers.
Ice breakers only work if the ice needs to be broken. Explain why you are doing a particular activity and debrief afterwards. Most resistance comes because the participants don't know why you are doing something or how it adds value to the workshop.
I am not a fan of icebreakers. But I am a fan of synectic and metaphoric activities that introduce key themes, behaviors and skills for the workshop. I often start with an interesting activity that helps folks feel more comfortable with participating in the session rather than with other people.
They key is know your audience (or team in this instance) and understand why they don’t want to get involved. You can’t please everyone all the time, so find out what it is and maybe just give them some space to warm to it or simply observe? Please also be aware the more you personalise an activity to make it appealing to a type of person, the more you may alienate others. I am not saying don’t, just be careful.
I make it clear that participation in workshop activities - including icebreakers - is voluntary. That removes the pressure - and in fact often has the effect that people who were hesitant are OK to give it a try. Then - I may explain why we are doing a certain activity (maybe just to break the ice, maybe to get our brains focused on the topic we want to discuss later). Or - I say I will not explain why we're doing the exercise, but I promise the group that it will make sense afterwards. This of course requires a certain level of trust from the group, and I need to make a judgment call when I can afford to do this.
In my experience, any worthwhile gathering of any kind starts with a clear, connected purpose. What is it you want the team building event to deliver? How are you wanting folks to connect differently and does it align with how your current processes/systems enable them to connect? Often times team building events begin as an aside to a larger meeting as leaders look for ways to respond to dipping engagement scores (especially with the hybrid/remote teams of today). But team building events without a "so what" can leave employees frustrated, especially if "nothing changes" as a result. Being clear on the "why" and aligning with ongoing initiatives allows you to lead authentically and build trust with skeptical employees.
In this case, it's important to encourage participation in a positive and inclusive way. Start by understanding their reservations—perhaps they're shy or don't see the value in these activities. Address their concerns by explaining how these icebreakers can enhance team cohesion and improve communication. Opt for activities that are less invasive and more relevant to work, such as problem-solving tasks or professional development games, which might be more appealing. Additionally, involve them in choosing or designing future activities to give them a sense of ownership and control. By showing empathy and adapting to their comfort level, you can help them feel more engaged and valued. Let's build a supportive team environment together! 🤝💡
Assuming this is across sessions and not something your trying to address inside a workshop in real time: 1. Recruit them! Involve them in facilitating or runnings the activity. 2. Dive deeper to understand why; (especially given the history and issues icebreakers as a trend can cause) find activities that they would support, use them as examples. Especially movement and play can be difficult for some people.
Why are you holding ice breaker activities? Are they essential? Is getting drunk with your coworkers on Friday nights essential? Some bosses think they are.
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