

Hôpitaux et services de santé

Villeurbanne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 432 abonnés

Biobank | Centre de Ressources Biologiques | Recherche IA

À propos

Tissu Biobank. Samples from the Cypath pathology laboratory. CYPATH-RB is a company dedicated to research and development in pathology. Part of the CYPATH Group, which analyzes more than 700,000 samples per year, CYPATH-RB provides researchers, pharmaceutical groups or CROs with human biological samples analyzed as part of the treatment. CYPATH-RB thus provides digitized slides (HE and / or HES) as well as biological samples (FFPE, +/- fresh tissue) annotated on the histopathological, molecular +/- clinical level. CYPATH-RB also offers technical and medical services in tumor pathology. Finally, CYPATH-RB has specialized in the co-development and clinical validation of artificial intelligence tools in pathology, wishing to become a major player in digital pathology and clinical research in France. The 100% digital turn for all routine diagnostics of the CYPATH group is part of this desire. At present, 2 collections have been set up: - ONGO - BIOM For further information, send an e-mail to

Site web
Hôpitaux et services de santé
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Villeurbanne, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Société indépendante
Fondée en
Biobank, IA, Recherche Clinque, Biobanque, CRB, Centre de Ressources Biologiques et Intelligence Artificielle



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