Vous manquez de temps lors d’un entretien. Comment gérez-vous les réponses interminables d’un candidat ?
Dans une interview, le temps est précieux. Pour ramener un candidat à la brièveté sans perdre le rapport, tenez compte de ces conseils :
- Interrompez poliment avec des questions ciblées pour reprendre le contrôle.
- Résumez leurs points pour montrer votre compréhension et aller de l’avant.
- Définissez des attentes claires dès le départ concernant la longueur de la réponse.
Comment vous assurez-vous que les entretiens restent informatifs mais concis ? Partagez vos stratégies.
Vous manquez de temps lors d’un entretien. Comment gérez-vous les réponses interminables d’un candidat ?
Dans une interview, le temps est précieux. Pour ramener un candidat à la brièveté sans perdre le rapport, tenez compte de ces conseils :
- Interrompez poliment avec des questions ciblées pour reprendre le contrôle.
- Résumez leurs points pour montrer votre compréhension et aller de l’avant.
- Définissez des attentes claires dès le départ concernant la longueur de la réponse.
Comment vous assurez-vous que les entretiens restent informatifs mais concis ? Partagez vos stratégies.
At the beginning of the interview, clarify the purpose and structure. Let the interviewee know the key topics you want to cover and the time allocated for each. Craft questions that are direct and specific, which encourages concise answers. Avoid overly broad questions that can lead to lengthy responses. After the interviewee responds, summarize their key points to demonstrate understanding. This also helps to clarify and condense their message. Encourage interviewees to focus on key takeaways. Phrases like “What’s the most important aspect of this?” can prompt more concise responses. Focus on the most critical questions first. If time allows, you can delve into less essential topics later.
I’ll lean in and listen actively for a bit, and as soon as I pick up their main point, I politely jump in something like, ‘That’s a great insight! Could you summarize the outcome or your key takeaway from this experience?’ It keeps the interview moving while gently guiding them to focus on what matters most. Most candidates appreciate the nudge, and I get the chance to assess their adaptability on the spot. After all, concise communication is a skill that speaks volumes, especially under pressure!"
As a recruiter, I know time can slip away, especially with candidates who go in-depth with their responses. When that happens, I’ll often gently step in with something like, ‘That’s really interesting! Let’s come back to that if we have time, as there are just a few more questions we need to cover.’ It keeps things on track while showing respect for the candidate’s thoughts. Advice for job seekers: If you’re someone who loves detail, try giving a brief, focused answer first, then ask if the interviewer would like you to go deeper. It shows respect for time and keeps things flowing!
I’d approach it in two ways: Gently remind them of the time by saying something like, “As we’re nearing the end, I’d love to hear your key takeaways.” Reflect on whether my question might have prompted a longer answer. If that’s the case, I’d let them finish—after all, that’s on me for not planning better.
Establish a time frame for the interview so the candidate knows the boundaries to stay in. Tell them how many questions you have for them so they can keep track on where they are during the interview so they know not to go "long winded". This is also a test to see how they manage "time management" when assigned tasks in their job. Its small test they may not even see but allows you to get a better understanding of them outside of what their resume states.
Para garantir que as entrevistas permaneçam informativas e concisas, inicio definindo expectativas claras sobre a brevidade das respostas. Faço perguntas diretas para reorientar candidatos que se alongam, como “Você poderia resumir em uma frase sua principal realização nesta função?” Além disso, resumo os pontos que entendi e sigo com perguntas específicas para aprofundar a conversa. Criar um ambiente confortável e respeitoso também é fundamental, pois isso incentiva os candidatos a se expressarem de forma mais objetiva. Por fim, em algumas situações, utilizo um cronômetro visível para manter todos cientes do tempo disponível, promovendo respostas mais diretas e eficazes.
If a candidate is giving long-winded answers, I would politely interrupt and say, "I appreciate your detailed response. To ensure we cover everything, could you please summarize your key points?" This keeps the conversation focused and respectful of time.
Já falo no início da entrevista qual é a estrutura da nossa conversa, especificando o tempo adequado para cada parte. Assim, o candidato sabe que precisa gerenciar seu tempo e ser objetivo nas respostas para que possamos chegar ao final da entrevista com tranquilidade. Se ao longo da entrevista ele se delonga mais do que o instruído e acabamos por não conseguir finalizar todas as perguntas no tempo definido, já aponto como ponto negativo a prolixidade e avalio apenas os pontos pelos quais conseguimos passar durante a conversa.
As an interviewer, it is your responsibility to manage the timing and flow of the interview to ensure all important aspects are covered. If a candidate tends to provide lengthy and vague responses, interrupt them politely by rephrasing the question and highlighting the specific information you are seeking for. You can also mention that, unfortunately, interview time is limited and you would appreciate more concise responses to cover all necessary topics to follow the agenda.
First, I would do my very best to ask the clear and concise questions, which would not cause ambiguity and l, instead, would result in clear answers. Secondly, I would offer my mindful presence and unconditional understanding to a candidate. Also, I would let go of all the judgments and assumptions that can cause further stress to the candidate and help them feel at ease, seen, heard and understood. Hopefully, it will all lead to effective communication from both sides.
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