Avant de commencer à hiérarchiser et à mettre en œuvre les actions correctives, vous devez définir la portée et les critères de l’audit ou de l’examen. Cela comprend les objectifs, la portée, la méthodologie, les normes, les règlements et les lignes directrices que l’audit ou l’examen a suivis. Vous devez également clarifier les rôles et les responsabilités des auditeurs, des examinateurs, des entités auditées et de la direction dans le processus. Cela vous aidera à comprendre le contexte, la pertinence et la validité des mesures correctives.
Prioritization of the corrective actions should be done risk-based. While planning for the audit or a safety review , a risk ranking system should be developed for the findings. Then based on the risk ranking of the final findings, actions should be classified and prioritized. In reality and since resources are always limited in industry, this approach helps with reducing risk more effectively.
Specifically, the following should be taken into consideration before beginning PS audits or assessments: - Methodology: formal question set, desktop review, and barrier assessments - Resource: Independent team size, asset self-assess - Any process modification or diversion, such as a paused or postponed assessment.
Defining the scope and criteria of an audit or review is fundamental for effective corrective action. It establishes clear objectives, boundaries, and methodologies, ensuring alignment with standards and regulations. Clarifying roles and responsibilities enhances accountability and communication among stakeholders, facilitating the identification and implementation of corrective actions. A well-defined scope and criteria provide a framework for targeted and meaningful interventions, ultimately driving continuous improvement in safety performance.
Conduct a human factors analysis alongside technical investigations Identify potential human errors or deviations from expected behavior that may have contributed to the incident. Analyze the tasks performed by personnel involved in the incident Use HRA techniques to assess the likelihood of human errors occurring during specific tasks or operational scenarios. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Human-Centered Corrective Actions Systems Thinking
Perfect. It is really important even more than risk assessment. It looks like having accurate sampling before any examination. Risk assessment needs to go under the clear scope and concept.
L’étape suivante consiste à classer et à classer les mesures correctives en fonction de leur urgence, de leur importance et de leur complexité. Pour ce faire, vous pouvez utiliser différentes méthodes et outils, tels que les matrices de risque, les diagrammes de Pareto ou les arbres de décision. Les principaux facteurs à prendre en compte sont l’impact potentiel, la probabilité et la gravité des dangers ou des non-conformités visés par les mesures correctives. Vous devez également tenir compte de la faisabilité, du coût et du temps requis pour mettre en œuvre les mesures correctives. L’objectif est de prioriser les actions correctives qui ont l’effet le plus significatif et le plus immédiat sur l’amélioration de la sécurité des procédés.
In accordance with industry best practices and standards such as ISO 45001:2018 for occupational health and safety management systems, ANSI/AIHA Z10-2012 for occupational health and safety management systems, and API RP 754 for process safety performance indicators, the classification and ranking of corrective actions should be conducted systematically. Identification of Hazards and Non-Conformities: Reference: ISO 45001:2018 (Clause 6.1.1) Risk Assessment: Reference: ANSI/AIHA Z10-2012 (Clause 6.2) Prioritization Criteria: Reference: API RP 754 (Section 5) Reference: ISO 45001:2018 (Clause 10.2)
In the aftermath of process safety audits within a pharmaceutical manufacturing company, corrective actions are categorized based on severity, ranging from critical to low-risk issues. Priority is given to critical risks, such as those jeopardizing personnel safety and regulatory compliance. Systematic implementation of corrective measures focuses on addressing root causes to prevent future occurrences and bolster overall process safety resilience. A monitoring system is established to track the progress of corrective actions, ensuring timely completion and sustained improvement in process safety performance over time.
The following factors should be taken into account to make sure that corrective actions are prioritized for execution in accordance with particular business requirements: - The overall danger to the facility and the facility risk score - The need for redevelopment - Need for corrective action - New construction reevaluations
Prioritizing corrective actions is essential for addressing process safety issues effectively. By classifying and ranking them based on urgency, importance, and complexity, organizations can focus resources on mitigating the most critical risks promptly. Methods like risk matrices and Pareto charts aid in identifying high-impact actions, ensuring efforts align with safety objectives. Considering factors such as potential impact, likelihood, and feasibility enhances decision-making, guiding investments towards measures that yield the greatest safety improvements within resource constraints. Prioritization fosters a systematic approach to risk management, enabling organizations to proactively address hazards and enhance process safety.
Then, Priority should be given first to the CAPs with the highest hazard cloud among items with the highest risk score. The risk score would be calculated by dividing the risk level by the reliability of the risk controls. CAPs defined by the standards bring diverse control layers to the risk, but we should not deploy all controlling layers simultaneously. Conversely, each Cap needs to be determined based on its impact on the risk scores and the minimum acceptable level. For instance, Instead of spending 200 grand on one item to increase its risk score from 10 to 160, we better save 50 grand and reach the minimum risk score of, for example, 100. Although it is not cost-effective, it would be risk-effective.
Une fois que vous avez classé les actions correctives, vous devez élaborer un plan d’action qui décrit les détails, les ressources et le calendrier de chaque action corrective. Ce plan devrait couvrir la description et la portée de la mesure corrective, le résultat et les avantages escomptés, la personne responsable de sa mise en œuvre, les ressources nécessaires, la date cible et les jalons, ainsi que les critères et les indicateurs permettant de mesurer les progrès et l’efficacité. Le plan d’action doit être réaliste, réalisable et conforme aux buts et objectifs de sûreté des procédés de l’installation.
Assigning an accountable individual to accomplish the entire corrective activities is a good practice. The individual who is accountable then assigns tasks to the remaining team members. Implementing, monitoring, and controlling the entire process will be greatly aided by each accountable individual entering corrective actions in tracking software like Synergi live or SAP.
Corrective Actions shall be analysed to prepare action plan including design, procurement and commissioning activities. If it is a change which can be implemented online or with bypass, it shall be done immediately. However if it needs partial or complete shutdown, detailed assessment is required: 1. To mitigate ongoing issue to the extent possible until corrective action is implemented (means implementing a temporary solution in place for the time being). 2. Utilise shutdown for other preventive & predictive maintenance activities and prepare comprehensive plan to use S/D as opportunity for these. Post implementation audit to review feedback/results of corrective action will ensure completeness of task in totality.
La dernière étape consiste à communiquer et à surveiller le plan d’action pour s’assurer que les mesures correctives sont mises en œuvre correctement et en temps opportun. Vous devez communiquer le plan d’action à toutes les parties prenantes concernées, telles que la direction, les employés, les entrepreneurs, les organismes de réglementation et les clients. Vous devez également fournir régulièrement des mises à jour, des commentaires et des rapports sur l’état et les résultats des mesures correctives. Vous devez utiliser divers canaux et méthodes de communication, tels que des réunions, des e-mails, des bulletins d’information ou des tableaux de bord. Vous devez également surveiller et suivre le plan d’action à l’aide d’outils tels que des registres d’actions, des diagrammes de Gantt ou des listes de contrôle. Vous devez identifier et résoudre tous les problèmes, défis ou écarts qui peuvent survenir pendant la mise en œuvre des mesures correctives.
La mise en œuvre des mesures correctives découlant d’un audit ou d’un examen de la sécurité des processus est une tâche critique et difficile qui nécessite de la planification, de la coordination et de l’engagement. En suivant ces conseils et ces meilleures pratiques, vous pouvez vous assurer que votre installation améliore ses performances, sa conformité et sa culture en matière de sécurité des processus.
Action tracking register should exist for each PS assessment corrective action and should contain the following key fields: - Finding description - Solution description: as determined to rectify the issue. - Single accountable person: assigned to ensure that the action is delivered & closed - Delivery Date: time to close out action based upon the criticality of the finding Tracking of actions shall be carried out within designated system e.g. Synergi live or SAP The review outcomes should contain: - Identification of common themes in findings across multiple disciplines. - Holistic recommendations for business wide improvements. - findings to be fed forward into strategic planning to be rescheduled for next assessments
Corrective actions from safety audits are prioritized based on risk severity and feasibility. In renewable energy, such as offshore wind, critical issues like turbine maintenance safety are promptly addressed to prevent accidents. In battery storage, risks like thermal runaway are mitigated through immediate action on equipment upgrades. Manufacturing focuses on addressing hazards like chemical exposure promptly. Efficient grid code compliance involves swift rectification of non-conformities.
In addition to the definitions explained, it is also possible to use the history of occurrences to establish new protective mechanisms, helping internal controls to act preventively. For example: Recurrence of failures to record relevant information in the customer register. These failures are mapped and new standards are adopted, using, if possible, available technological resources to prevent them from happening again, that is, there will no longer be a need for new action plans, as the failures have been overcome.
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