

Capital de risco e participações privadas

São Paulo, SP 817 seguidores

Sobre nós

Pitanga invests in deep tech startups with high growth potential. Our goal is to work with early-stage companies and to help entrepreneurs build their businesses. The type of innovation we look to support should involve the development and deployment of new scientific discoveries or innovative technologies. We look for businesses that address large markets and can capture a significant fraction of these markets in a short period of time. We believe that, in order to achieve this goal, companies must deploy a set of innovations capable of generating wide competitive advantage. When these conditions are met, Pitanga is prepared to provide the capital necessary to develop and commercialize such technologies. We contribute with the required capital and support the companies by participating in the board of directors. We have no limitations regarding sectors or geographies. However, we prefer to invest in Latin American companies or companies that have a significant presence in the region. We intend to invest in a limited number of companies to be chosen through a rigorous selection process. Pitanga Invest, an investment vehicle constituted in 2014 based on our association with Brazilian entrepreneurs, is already fully deployed and, therefore, closed for new investments. In 2020, again in association with Brazilian entrepreneurs, we launched Pitanga Redux, a new investment vehicle with capital available for investment in new projects.

Capital de risco e participações privadas
Tamanho da empresa
2-10 funcionários
São Paulo, SP
Empresa privada
Fundada em


Funcionários da Pitanga


  • Pitanga compartilhou isso

    [PORT] 🚀 A Adeste tem o orgulho de anunciar sua participação na rodada de investimento de US$10 milhões na Nintx! Ao lado de investidores tão qualificados como o Fundo Pitanga; Guilherme Leal, cofundador da Natura; Peter Andersen do Grupo Centroflora; a gestora ECOA Capital; o fundo de impacto MOV Investimentos; e a Tiaraju, estamos felizes em fazer parte deste passo tão importante! A Nintx é uma biotech brasileira inovadora que desenvolve medicamentos a partir da investigação de compostos naturais produzidos por microrganismos e plantas, tendo como fonte a biodiversidade brasileira e utilizando um arsenal de tecnologias avançadas e proprietárias. Seu objetivo é revolucionar tratamentos para doenças graves, trazendo soluções disruptivas para a saúde e impactando positivamente a vida de milhares de pessoas. Esse investimento reflete nosso compromisso em apoiar projetos transformadores, que aliam ciência de alto impacto e inovação tecnológica para gerar resultados reais na sociedade. Estamos entusiasmados em fazer parte dessa jornada e contribuir para o crescimento da Nintx e para o avanço da biotecnologia no Brasil. Vamos juntos transformar o futuro da saúde! 🌱💡 [ENG] 🚀 Adeste is proud to announce its participation in the $10 million investment round in Nintx!   Alongside highly qualified investors such as Fundo Pitanga, Guilherme Leal, co-founder of Natura, Peter Andersen from Centroflora, the ECOA Capital fund, the impact fund MOV Investimentos, and Tiaraju, we are thrilled to be part of this significant milestone!   Nintx is an innovative Brazilian biotech company that develops medicines through the investigation of natural compounds produced by microorganisms and plants, leveraging Brazil’s rich biodiversity. It employs an arsenal of advanced and proprietary technologies. Its mission is to revolutionize treatments for severe diseases, delivering disruptive health solutions that positively impact the lives of thousands of people.   This investment reflects our commitment to supporting transformative projects that combine high-impact science with technological innovation to create tangible results for society. We are excited to be part of this journey, contributing to Nintx’s growth and the advancement of biotechnology in Brazil.   Let’s work together to transform the future of health! 🌱💡 #Inovação #Biotecnologia #DeepTech #Investimento #Saúde

    Com cheque do fundo Pitanga e de Guilherme Leal, da Natura, biotech brasileira levanta US$ 10 milhões - NeoFeed

    Com cheque do fundo Pitanga e de Guilherme Leal, da Natura, biotech brasileira levanta US$ 10 milhões - NeoFeed


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