Founded in 2018!! is India’s most trusted job search platform, which is designed for job seekers to ease the process of searching and finding the best fit.
We continuously update new job opportunities and provide freshers and job seekers with a better understanding of the labour market and the jobs they can feasibly get.
With a database of over 2 million jobs post and 9K active clients including renowned employers and prominent recruiters, we impart an in-depth understanding of specialized markets and help to deliver the best talent promptly. Our cutting-edge technology provides the most extensive reach and unmatched speed, enabling us to provide job seekers with the most accurate solutions for them.
Technology, Information and Internet
Company size
201-500 employees
Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Privately Held
Job Posting, Job Portal, Consulting Services, Assessment Services, Resume Writing, staffing, recruiting, leadership hiring, and Jobsearch