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English: Tufa is a form of limestone that is formed by organic and inorganic precipitation from water. It is not to be confused with tuff, a volcanic rock.
Español: Toba calcárea
Nederlands: Kalktuf
<nowiki>toba calcárea; Karbonatozko toba; туф; Kalktuff; Kalktuff; Туф; տուֆ; 石灰華; Tuf; ტუფი; 石灰華; 石灰华; Туф; kalktuff; tufo; טופה; Tufa; 石灰華; 石灰华; tufa calcária; Tuflar; Tawea; tufa; pěnovec; Tofo; तूफा; Sedra; tuf; tova calcària; Sedra; kalktuf; Տուֆ; トゥファ; Tufa; Bigar; tufu; Tufa; توفا; šūnakmens; туф; туф; travertin; Туф; Tufa calcária; 石灰华; Tuffkallek; tufa; tufa; 石灰華; tuf calcaros; Penovec; Tova calsinosa; Бигар; tuff; توفا; Τούφα; Tofus calcarius; varietat de roca calcària; junges, poröses, sekundäres Sediment; roca caliza porosa; porous limestone rock; صخر رسوبي; sedimentární hornina; порозна кречњачка стена; lehnjak; apneni maček; lehkovec; Travertin; Tofus calcareus; Toba calcària; tuf; Quellkalk; Quelltuff; Tovas travertinicas; Tova travertinica; Туф вулканический; tosca; toba calcarea; piedra toba; 鈣華; Сига; Травертин</nowiki>
porous limestone rock
Bloc de tova calcària en un mur
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Wikidata Q193685
NL CR AUT ID: ph162637
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 See also category: Travertine.


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Media in category "Tufa"

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