Greetings to everyone.
On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, it is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access -- MobiWac'12 at Paphos, Cyprus Island. Following the successful previous events in Fort Worth (TX), Philadelphia (PA), Maui (Hawaii), Torremolinos (Spain), Chania (Greece), Bodrum (Turkey), Miami (USA), this year's symposium aims to keep advancing our knowledge in mobility and wireless access, including models, systems, applications, and theory. The mission of the symposium is, as always, to share novel mobility management and wireless network solutions and identify new directions for future research and development.
A number of people have contributed to eventually create a strong technical program. First of all, the call for papers attracted submissions from Asia, Australia, Europe and North /South America. Second, a number of researchers served on the MobiWac'12 Technical Program Committee. They helped to evaluate paper submissions in a rigorous and fair, yet timely, manner and contributed significantly to the strength of the technical program. The program committee accepted 13 regular papers. These papers cover a variety of topics, including general wireless networks, wireless sensor network, network mobility, and applications. The program committee further accepted 4 papers as short papers. All submissions were fully peer reviewed. Finally, 7 poster/demo papers (solicited both by an open call and via invitations) have been selected. We hope that these proceedings will serve as a valuable reference for mobile and wireless systems researchers and developers.
Based upon the MobiWac TPC recommendations, the following 3 papers have been selected as candidates for the MobiWac 2012 Best Paper Award:
CONFab: Component based Optimization of WSN Protocol Stacks using Deployment Feedback, Junaid Ansari, Elena Meshkova, Wasif Masood, Arham Muslim, Janne Riihijärvi, Petri Mähönen
DySCO: A DYnamic Spectrum and COntention Control Framework for Enhanced Broadcast Communication in Vehicular Networks, Marco Di Felice, Luca Bedogni, Luciano Bononi
Development of Simulation Environment for Multi-homed Devices in Integrated 3GPP and non-3GPP Networks, Umar Toseef, Yasir Zaki, Carmelita Goerg, Andreas Timm-Giel
Proceeding Downloads
CTOD: collaborative tree-based outlier detection in wireless sensor networks
Outlier detection is a well studied problem in various fields. The unique challenges of wireless sensor networks such as limited bandwidth, memory, energy, and unreliable communi- cation make this problem especially difficult. Sensors can detect ...
Radiation-aware data propagation in wireless sensor networks
This research further investigates the recently introduced (in [4]) paradigm of radiation awareness in ambient environments with abundant heterogeneous wireless networking from a distributed computing perspective. We call radiation at a point of a ...
CONFab: component based optimization of WSN protocol stacks using deployment feedback
Wireless sensor networks are characterized by a large number of non-standardized protocols and varying application requirements. This creates need for a systematic approach to rapidly design and optimize deployment specific protocol stacks. We employ ...
Development of simulation environment for multi-homed devices in integrated 3GPP and non-3GPP networks
WLAN has proven itself as the most economical wireless access technology over the time. Its widespread deployment encouraged 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) to standardize the integration of such non-3GPP access technologies into the existing ...
Reflecting QoS of low-cost multi-provider municipal WiFi on commercial 3.G mobile data and ISM spectrum occupancy
We present two measurement campaigns reflecting the end-user QoS of a large municipal WiFi (IEEE 802.11 WLAN) network on the end-user QoS of three commercial 3.5G (HSPA) mobile data networks and on the spectrum occupancy of the 2.4 GHz ISM band. Our ...
Protocols for resource constrained infrastructure networks
This paper introduces two protocols for communication in infrastructure networks consisting of a central server, stationary basestations and mobile devices. Mobile devices use IEEE 802.15.4 to communicate with the basestations. Among other things, the ...
Reliable signaling an emergency shutdown in large-scale, wireless controlled industrial plants
This paper considers the use of wireless mesh networks as a communication infrastructure for monitoring and controlling industrial plants and processes such as solar power plants. In the latter, several thousands, tiltable and rotatable flat mirrors (...
GeoPointing on indoor maps: enhancing compass sensor accuracy to enable interactive digital object selection in smartphone-based map applications
Indoor geopointing is a mobile computing field of application where high resolution compass data is required, in order to reliably identify digital objects on a map or within a scene. When mobile application developers wish to implement geopointing ...
A small world approach for scalable and resilient position estimation algorithms for wireless sensor networks
- Daniel L. Guidoni,
- Azzedine Boukerche,
- Leandro A. Villas,
- Fernanda S.H. de Souza,
- Horacio A.B.F. Oliveira,
- Antonio A.F. Loureiro
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) there are network functions and applications that need to know the localization of a node such as the association of the sensed data with a given position. In general, it may be impossible or unfeasible to have either ...
(k, n) threshold distributed key exchange for HIP based internet of things
Host Identity Protocol (HIP) emerges as the most suitable identification protocol for the Internet of Things. HIP not only provides identifier/locator split but also a key agreement procedure named HIP Base Exchange, which bootstraps security ...
A multi-level approach to link state: ML-OLSR
In this article, we propose a novel extension for the OLSR routing protocol, "Multi-Level OLSR" (ML-OLSR): it introduces a hierarchy between links, where some links are preferred to others. The objective is that the network consisting of links of most ...
DySCO: a dynamic spectrum and contention controlframework for enhanced broadcast communication invehicular networks
Recently, the IEEE 1609.4 protocol has been defined to enable multi-channel operations in a vehicular environment, and to guarantee interference-free co-existence of safety-related and non-safety related applications in the same network. To meet these ...
On realistic evaluation of recent spatial and temporal mobility metrics for mobile ad hoc networks
Results from recent studies have pointed out that two well-known spatial and temporal mobility metrics for mobile ad hoc networks have critical drawbacks. At the same time, two new spatial and one temporal mobility metrics have been proposed and ...
VoiP performance analysis in IEEE802.16 networks
WiMAX, as known as IEEE standard 802.16, is a wide range broadband wireless access network which has a significant good support for the quality of service. According to IEEE standard 802.16e WiMAX has support also for mobility. One of the key advantages ...
A reliable and robust gateway discovery mechanism for vehicular ad hoc networks
Gateway discovery in vehicular networks is very important in order to permit the connection to the Internet or to heterogenous networks. Fault tolerance, load balancing, and QoS are very important aspects to enhance the performance of the network and ...
Android SMS botnet: a new perspective
In this paper, we present an SMS-based Android botnet. Since all mobile phones have SMS services as a feature, we will use SMS as the medium of propagation of Command and Control messages between the botnet controller and the victim devices. The ...
Hierarchical routing approach-based energy optimization in wireless sensor networks
We propose a critical improvement of the LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) routing protocol for the optimization of the energy consumption as well as memory occupation of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Our protocol LEACH-M uses a cascade ...
Trustworthiness and authentication in ubiquitous computing
In a pervasive computing environment, principle authentication verifies if a person is the one he claims to be. However, being sure that you are talking to the expected entity does not mean this entity is trusted to do what you expect him to do, and ...
A fast handover scheme for proxy-based mobility in wireless sensor networks
IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6Lo-WPAN) is a protocol architecture that has recently been ratified to enable the seamless interconnection of wireless sensor networks (WSN) to the Internet. This opens up a wealth of application ...
What is wrong with broadcast probing based ETX estimation for wireless links?
ETX (Expected Transmission Count) is shown to be the best link metric in terms of higher throughput for wireless multi-hop network with stationary-nodes having single radio. Some recent work, however, shows that ETX may exhibit high sensitivity to ...
A vertical handover decision based context awareness guaranteeing the user perceived quality of service
Most typically, trend of future cellular network is to give access to a large number of applications such as: VoIP, videoconferencing, interactive gaming, multimedia services, etc. The integration of heterogeneous wireless networks is designed to ...
Signaling oriented denial of service on LTE networks
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is seen as the key enabler for delivering the fourth generation of mobile broadband and is the first cellular network primarily designed based on IP. Thus, telecom operators must support the diverse IP-based mobile applications ...
Fine-grained in-door localisation with wireless sensor networks
Many WSN algorithms and applications are based on knowledge regarding the position of nodes inside the network area. However, the solution of using GPS based modules in order to perform localization in WSNs is a rather expensive solution and in the case ...
UPMT per-application mobility management solution: a demo for linux and android terminals
In this work we describe the demo of UPMT - Universal Per-application Mobility management using Tunnels. UPMT is a per-application mobility management solution highly suitable for "ABC" (Always Best Connected) mobility scenarios since it provides ...
- Proceedings of the 10th ACM international symposium on Mobility management and wireless access
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
MobiWac '22 | 50 | 16 | 32% |
MobiWac '15 | 37 | 12 | 32% |
MobiWac '14 | 57 | 16 | 28% |
MobiWac '13 | 68 | 21 | 31% |
MobiWac '06 | 60 | 18 | 30% |
Overall | 272 | 83 | 31% |