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MELT '08: Proceedings of the first ACM international workshop on Mobile entity localization and tracking in GPS-less environments
ACM2008 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
MobiCom08: Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking San Francisco California USA 19 September 2008
19 September 2008
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 1st ACM International Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization and Tracking in GPS-less Environments -- MELT'08. Location-awareness is a key component for achieving context-awareness. Recent years have witnessed an increasing trend of location-based services and applications. In most cases, however, location information is limited by the accessibility to GPS, which is unavailable for indoor or underground facilities and unreliable in urban environments. Much research has been done, in both the sensor network community and the ubiquitous computing community, to provide techniques for localization and tracking in GPS-less environments. Novel applications based on ad-hoc localization and real-time tracking of mobile entities are growing as a result of these technologies. It is time to bring leaders from both the academic and industrial research communities to discuss challenging and open problems, to evaluate pros and cons of various approaches, to bridge the gap between theory and applications, and to envision new research opportunities in MELT.

The call for papers attracted 38 submissions from Asia, Canada, Europe, and the United States. The program committee accepted 14 papers for oral presentations and 9 papers for poster presentations. The workshop consists of four technical sessions and three poster sessions, with topics covering areas of optimization and signal processing techniques, novel radio signal strength based methods, as well as systems and applications in MELT.

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SESSION: Novel applications or systems
Predicting future locations using prediction-by-partial-match

We implemented the Prediction-by-Partial-Match data compression algorithm as a predictor of future locations. Positioning was done using IEEE 802.11 wireless access logs. Several experiments were run to determine how to divide the data for training and ...

Active GSM cell-id tracking: "Where Did You Disappear?"

Location-based services are mobile network applications of growing importance and variability. The space of location technologies and applications has not yet been fully explored, perhaps omitting some important practical uses.

In this work we present ...

AAMPL: accelerometer augmented mobile phone localization

A variety of mobile phone applications are on the rise, many of which utilize physical location to express the "context" of information. This paper argues that physical location alone, unless remarkably precise, may not be sufficient to express this ...

POSTER SESSION: Poster session 1
A proposal for gps-less location detection using a reference direction information sharing method with co-operation of mobile terminals

This paper describes a proposal for wireless communication system and mobile terminals, especially useful for location based service without using GPS receiver in the service area. The Global Positioning System (GPS) or gyroscope sensor (gyrocompass) ...

Indoor tracking of laboratory mice via an rfid-tracking framework

In this paper a solution for tracking of laboratory mice in an indoor semi natural environment based on RIFD-Technology is presented. A tracking framework is built where combined sensors identify and track the mice continuously 24 hours a day and 7 days ...

Ultrasound-aided pedestrian dead reckoning for indoor navigation

Ad hoc solutions for tracking and providing navigation support to emergency response teams is an important and safety-critical challenge. We propose a navigation system based on a combination of foot-mounted inertial sensors and ultrasound beacons. We ...

SESSION: Radio/RSSI based methods
Locating zigbee® nodes using the ti®s cc2431 location engine: a testbed platform and new solutions for positioning estimation of wsns in dynamic indoor environments

In this paper, we analyze and describe the achievable performance of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) testbed platform, which has been deployed at the Center of Excellence DEWS (University of L'Aquila, Italy) for positioning applications, and which is ...

Proximity classification for mobile devices using wi-fi environment similarity

This paper describes an algorithm to compute lists of people and devices that are physically nearby to a mobile user based on the analysis of signals from existing wireless networks. The system evaluates proximity by classifying the degree of similarity ...

Indoor localization based on response rate of bluetooth inquiries

Location is considered as the most important and relevant context information. Bluetooth technology, being a common feature of commercial mobile devices, is a (or the) key technology that is pervasively available nowadays. There has been not much ...

Redpin - adaptive, zero-configuration indoor localization through user collaboration

Redpin is a fingerprint-based indoor localization system designed and built to run on mobile phones. The basic principles of our system are based on known systems like Place Lab or Radar. However, with Redpin it is possible to consider the signal-...

POSTER SESSION: Poster session 2
On clustering RSS fingerprints for improving scalability of performance prediction of indoor positioning systems

We previously developed an analytical model in [8] to predict the precision and accuracy performance of indoor positioning systems using location fingerprints. A by-product of the model is the ability to eliminate unnecessary fingerprints to reduce the ...

Precise location tracking system based on time difference of arrival over LR-WPAN

As the era of ubiquitous computing approaches, there is a growing need for a reliable, efficient positioning and tracking system. Localization involves continuous determination and tracking of the location of assets and personnel. Localization using ...

Pre-processing of fingerprints to improve the positioning accuracy of 802.11-based positioning systems

Since the first days of location-based services, the reliable estimation of a user's position has been seen as one of the key prerequisites for their success. While satellite-based systems can deliver suitable results when the user is outdoors, another ...

SESSION: Signal processing
A novel backtracking particle filter for pattern matching indoor localization

Particle Filter (PF) techniques has been widely used in indoor localization systems. They are often used in conjunction with pattern matching based on Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) fingerprinting. Several variants of the particle filter ...

A geometrical perspective on localization

A large number of localization algorithms for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are evaluated against the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) as an indicator of how good the algorithm performs. The CRB defines the lower bound on the precision of an unbiased ...

Localization using signal strength: to range or not to range?

Received Signal Strength (RSS) data collected within a wireless network can be used to obtain either range estimates or connectivity information. Both approaches lead to localization schemes that require no additional hardware. It is not clear, however, ...

Mobile sensor localization and navigation using RF doppler shifts

Many wireless sensor network applications require knowledge of node placement in order to make sense of sensor data in a spatial context. Networks of mobile sensors require position updates for navigation through the sensing region. The global ...

POSTER SESSION: Poster session 3
Reduction of location estimation error using neural networks

The objective of this work is to estimate the locations of Bluetooth enabled devices. Collecting received signal strength from a device may help with estimating its location. However, for indoor environments, the signal attenuation model becomes complex ...

Real-time tracking for sensor networks via sdp and gradient method

The sensor tracking problem is an important problem studied in many different fields. But many of those studies use analysis or machine learning method rather than optimization method. Recently, several approaches have been proposed to solve the static ...

A note on the trackability of dynamic sensor networks

Since the last decade, Semidefinite programming (SDP) has found its important application in locating the ad hoc wireless sensor networks. By choosing proper decomposition and computation schemes, SDP has been shown very efficient to handle the ...

SESSION: Optimization
Cooperative localization using angle of arrival measurements in non-line-of-sight environments

We investigate localization of a transmitting node using angle of arrival (AoA) measurements made at a geographically dispersed network of cooperating receivers with known locations. A low-complexity sequential algorithm for updating the source location ...

Localization of mobile users using trajectory matching

We present an algorithm enabling localization of moving wireless devices in an indoor setting. The method uses only RF signal strength and can be implemented without specialized hardware. The mobility of the users is modeled by learning a function ...

Sensor network localization, euclidean distance matrix completions, and graph realization

We study Semidefinite Programming, SDP, relaxations for Sensor Network Localization, SNL, with anchors and with noisy distance information. The main point of the paper is to view SNL as a (nearest) Euclidean Distance Matrix, EDM, completion problem and ...

  • Stanford University
