The 1st International Workshop on Decentralized Resource Sharing in Mobile Computing and Networking aims to provide a forum where researchers from the wireless networking community and the distributed systems community can discuss and present new research relevant to the intersection between the two communities. In particular, MobiShare focuses on the applicability and transfer of decentralized/peer-to-peer techniques to multihop wireless networks (wireless mesh networks, opportunistic (ad hoc) extensions to the Internet, vehicular networks, etc.).
Proceeding Downloads
Code torrent: content distribution using network coding in VANET
Mobile peer-to-peer systems have recently got in the lime-light of the research community that is striving to build efficient and effective mobile content addressable networks. Along this line of research, we propose a network coding based file swarming ...
XScribe: a stateless, cross-layer approach to P2P multicast in multi-hop ad hoc networks
Using p2p systems on multi-hop ad hoc networks is an amazingly interesting challenge. While the features of p2p systems designed for Internet are particularly suitable for ad hoc networking environments, the very assumptions behind their design are ...
GUESS: gossiping updates for efficient spectrum sensing
Wireless radios of the future will likely be frequency-agile, that is, supporting opportunistic and adaptive use of the RF spectrum. Such radios must coordinate with each other to build an accurate and consistent map of spectral utilization in their ...
Energy consumption and conservation in mobile peer-to-peer systems
Today's mobile devices are growing in number and computational resources. Devices capable of storing gigabytes of digital content are becoming ubiquitous, making them an ideal platform for peer-to-peer content delivery and sharing. However, the always ...
Energy aware self-organizing density management in wireless sensor networks
Energy consumption is the most important factor that determines sensor node lifetime. The optimization of wireless sensor network lifetime targets not only the reduction of energy consumption of a single sensor node but also the extension of the entire ...
Mobile service overlays: reconfigurable middleware for MANETs
Distributed applications running on Mobile Adhoc NET- works (MANETs) can benefit from underlying middleware that provides services for self-management. Such services can address the dynamic conditions associated with a MANET's operational environment ...
Zero servers with zero broadcasts
To achieve the vision of networks that work without any supporting infrastructure, we need wireless ad hoc technology to replace the cabling infrastructure, but we also need self-configuring network and application services to replace the server ...
A churn and mobility resistant approach for DHTs
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) and distributed hash-tables (DHTs) share key characteristics in terms of self organization, decentralization, redundancy requirements, and limited infrastructure. However, node mobility and the continually changing ...
Performance evaluation of chord in mobile ad hoc networks
Mobile peer-to-peer applications recently have received growing interest. However, it is often assumed that structured peer-to-peer overlays cannot efficiently operate in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The prevailing opinion is that this is due to the ...
SCTP profiling framework for multi-homed environment
Nowadays, it is not rare that a mobile node equips multiple interfaces such as Ethernet, 802.11b, mobile phones and WiMAX. A node with multiple interfaces has the possibility to utilize the multiple network accesses for robust and effcient ...
Location independent compact routing for wireless networks
While reactive routing protocols such as AODV operate efficiently for small ad hoc wireless networks, their O(N) perflow control overhead limits deployment on larger-scale networks. Deployment of compact routing protocols such as geographic routing have ...
Incentives for electronic coupon systems
Ad hoc networks and peer-to-peer systems typically require many users to participate, in order to leverage the full benefits of the system. In this paper we examine an electronic coupon system, where providers send out coupons, which are passed from ...
Bluetooth content distribution stations on public transit
In this poster, we introduce our Bluespots project, in which a small computer on a bus serves as a Bluetooth Content Distribution (BCD) station in a university public transit scenario.
Alluvion and cascade: fast data dissemination schemes in multihop wireless networks
Common information dissemination through multihop broadcasting is a key application in many wireless network operations. In all such applications the data transmission rate of broadcast plays a vital role in determining network performance. In this ...
Ekta+: opportunistic multiplexing in a wireless DHT
The bandwidth limitation, node mobility, and multi-access interference characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) pose unique challenges to deploying a DHT in MANETs. Previously, we proposed Ekta, a DHT protocol for MANETs that seamlessly ...
Towards efficient range queries in mobile ad hoc networks using DHTs
Recently, Distributed Hash Tables (DHT) explicitly designed for the use in MANETs have been proposed. Thus, many DHT-based distributed network applications from the domain of the Internet can be expected to be efficiently ported to MANETs. While the ...
- Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Decentralized resource sharing in mobile computing and networking