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DIN '05: Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic interconnection of networks
ACM2005 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
DIN05: Dynamic InterConnection of Networks Workshop Cologne Germany 2 September 2005
02 September 2005
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Welcome to the first ACM Workshop on Dynamic Interconnection of Networks, DIN 2005, held in conjunction with the MobiCom 2005 in Cologne.Dynamic interconnection of networks is a new, expanding field in mobile networking. Traditionally, mobile networks consist of several mobile terminals connecting to a fixed access network. From the access network, other networks, including the Internet, can be reached. This simple, hierarchical structure is however disappearing. New kinds of mobile networks, e.g. personal area networks, body area hetworks, home networks, vehicular networks and sensor networks, are currently being investigated. Most of these networks are ad-hoc networks, or even moving ad-hoc networks. What is more, they have to dynamically interconnect themselves and with the existing infrastructure. Thereby, heterogeneous access technologies and interworking of different protocols must be supported. The owners of these networks often are non-experts, and therefore auto-configuration is a major issue.The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers working in the evolving field of dynamic interconnection of mobile networks to exchange their ideas. We selected nine papers, five of them full papers, to present the current research in the area. In the invited talk, the important topic of routing protocols for dynamic networks is discussed. In the panel session, leading researchers discuss possible applications and research issues in the field of dynamic interconnection of networks. The research papers are grouped in three session. The first session focuses on approaches for autoconfiguration, which is an important theme of the workshop. Another focus in session two is on naming and addressing issues for dynamic network environments. Further topics are mobility and QoS interworking, and a generic access to Sensor Networks. From the discussions and presentations, we expect to get a clearer view and common vision on dynamic interworking of networks.

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What can we unlearn from BGP?

Today the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is used to maintain global Internet connectivity between thousands of autonomous routing domains. BGP represents the principle example of a routing protocol which supports complex routing policies enabling a large ...

SESSION: Selfconfiguration of interconnecting networks
Ambient networks: a framework for mobile network cooperation

Ambient Networks represents a new networking approach that aims at enabling the cooperation of heterogeneous networks and networking resources, on demand and transparently. This should happen without the need for pre-configuration or offline negotiation ...

Dynamic autoconfiguration in 4G networks: problem statement and preliminary solution

The Internet is characterized by the coexistence of two Internet Protocol (IP) versions and multiple autoconfiguration mechanisms which are deployed targeting specific communication scenarios. This heterogeneity requires user pre-configurations, namely ...

Towards self-organising personal networks

Personal Network (PN) is an emerging concept which combines pervasive computing and strong user focus. The idea is that the user's personal devices organise themselves in a secure and private personal network transparently of their geographical ...

Self organizing ambient control space: an ambient network architecture for dynamic network interconnection

One of the major challenges in ambient networking is to provide interworking between heterogeneous and dynamically changing networks. This paper presents a novel network and system architecture enabling network self-organization and dynamic network ...

Visions for dynamic network scenarios in ubiquitous environments: applications and research issues

Traditionally, mobile networks consist of mobile terminals connecting to a fixed access network. From the access network, other networks, including the Internet, can be reached. This simple, hierarchical structure is however disappearing. New kinds of ...

SESSION: Naming in dynamic networks
Applying a cryptographic namespace to applications

The Host Identity Protocol (HIP) is a promising solution for dynamic network interconnection. HIP introduces a namespace based on cryptographically generated Host Identifiers. In this paper, two different API variants for accessing the namespace are ...

Scalability analysis of the TurfNet naming and routing architecture

TurfNet is a novel internetworking architecture that enables communication among autonomous and heterogeneous network domains. The architecture uses a global identity namespace and does not require global addressing or a shared internetworking protocol. ...

Names, addresses and identities in ambient networks

Ambient Networks interconnect independent realms that may use different local network technologies and may belong to different administrative or legal entities. At the core of these advanced internetworking concepts is a flexible naming architecture ...

SESSION: Control of interconnecting networks
A framework for network media optimization in multihomed QoS networks

Future pervasive networks will be constructed by various access networks, which are managed by different operators. Wireless LAN hotspot services will be available in numerous locations, and cellular services, which provide a wide coverage area, will ...

Towards modular mobility management in ambient networks

The overall goal of the Ambient Networks Integrated Project is to develop a vision for future wireless and mobile networks. Even though mobility management has been investigated within numerous research and standardisation projects, the novel approach ...

Janus: an architecture for flexible access to sensor networks

We present the design and implementation of the Janus1 architecture for providing flexible and lightweight access to sensor network resources from Internet-type networks. Janus provides flexibility by focusing on functions of the sensor network rather ...

  • Technical University of Munich
  • Siemens AG
  1. Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic interconnection of networks
