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MasterPlan: A Reinforcement Learning Based Scheduler for Archive Storage

Online AM: 17 December 2024 Publication History


With the sheer volume of data in today’s world, archive storage systems play a significant role in persisting the cold data. Due to stringent cost concerns, one popular design is to organize disks into groups and periodically switch them to be powered on for serving user requests. Scheduling thus becomes critical for both CapEx and performance. Unfortunately, field results indicate that existing schedulers can be often suboptimal. Our further analysis suggests that the main reason is the mismatch between the ever-changing workloads and the fixed set of coarsely-configured parameters in current heuristic-based schedulers.
In this paper, we propose MasterPlan, a reinforcement learning (RL) based scheduler for archive storage systems. By identifying the unique characteristics of archive storage service, we design a state space and reward function for the RL agent. MasterPlan includes a continuous action encoding approach to guarantee efficient exploration, and a meta adaptation module to extract features of workload series. Experiments show that MasterPlan can achieve 1.25 × throughput, 2.16 × 99th latency and 1.47 × power draw improvement compared to existing solutions.


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Online AM: 17 December 2024

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  1. Archive storage system
  2. reinforcement learning


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