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Cucurbita maxima

E Vicipaedia
imago botanica

Ordo : Cucurbitales 
Familia : Cucurbitaceae 
Genus : Cucurbita 
Species : C. maxima 

Cucurbita maxima (binomen ab Antonio Nicolao Duchesne anno 1786 statutum) est species plantarum sub climate tropico in America australi orta, ibi et alibi propter fructus edules culta.

Anno 1573 in Anglia Thomas Tusser inter herbas et holera, quae bullire et butyro linere oportebat, "cucurbitas" enumeravit "mense Maio" serendas.[1] Colonus mox Thomas Harriot, in Virginia profectus, species plures huius generis ab indigenis cultas visit, inter quas una, cuius fructus duos menses maturabant.[2]

  1. "Herbs and rootes to boyle or to butter ... pompiones, in Maye": Tusser (1573)
  2. "Macócqwer" ... There are of two sorts; one is ripe in the space of a moneth, and the other in two moneths: Hariot (1588)


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Fontes antiquiores
  • 1573 : Thomas Tusser, Five Hundreth Points of Good Husbandry. Londinii: Tottell, 1573 (f. 40r apud Google Books)
  • 1588 : Thomas Hariot, A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia, of the commodities there found and to be raysed .... Londinii Textus editionis fac-simile 1903
  • 1597 : John Gerard, The Herball, or generall historie of plantes. Londinii: John Norton pp. 772-775
  • 1786 : Antoine Nicolas Duchesne, Essai sur l'histoire naturel des courges (1786) pp. 7, 12–15

Nexus externi

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Vicimedia Communia plura habent quae ad Cucurbita maxima spectant.
Vide "Cucurbita maxima" apud Vicispecies.
Situs scientifici: Tropicos • Tela Botanica • GRIN • ITIS • Plant List • NCBI • Biodiversity • Encyclopedia of Life • Plant Name Index • "Cucurbita maxima" apud Plants for a Future • Plantes d'Afrique • Flora of China • INPN France • Flora of North America • USDA Plants Database