Just Sayin'...
Musings from an incredulous dude
Hyundai and Kia have some of the coolest vehicles on the road…reminds me of my Hot Wheels childhood.
The country is in shambles and it’s not a communications problem…it’s a policy issue.
CEOs’ must talk to the media…it’s part of their responsibilities…so why do PR people still need to convince them to do it?
Nothing in Hollywood is real.
Employees are working with the volume off…so why do leaders still try to display their values vs. demonstrate them?
Your organization’s business strategy is not understood by employees and it’s not because of messaging…it’s because it’s not connected to what they do.
EVs are at least a decade from common use. Ask my friend who can’t use his EV in weather below 30 degrees F or for any long road trip.
Corporate change has become a campaign which no employee is buying.
Be wary of a consulting firm that is more focused on its EBITDA than its clients and staff.
Ever notice there are more industry awards than people deserving of them?
The most important traits for PR/Communications remain (in this order): writing, speaking, curiosity, business acumen, empathy, collaboration, insight.
Innovation is a result of intellectual freedom, not mandates, events, proclamations.
Davos has become totally irrelevant to reality. Just a bunch of self-important blowhards who are actually destroying the planet just flying there and back…you can’t make it up!
Trust is an outcome. So, why do we keep promoting research that attempts to sell outputs?
So many brands and organizations act as if the pandemic didn’t happen, believing people still understand their purpose, values, efficacy. They don’t!
Why are so many client-agency relationships still based on a vendor model and not a partner model.
Why do RFPs even exist? They neither enable the right decision nor engender the smartest ideas?
Leadership is communication. Period.
Strategy isn’t a to do list. It’s a mindset focused on approach, thinking.
Can we please stop chasing symptoms and seek out the cause?
Communications metrics are only useful if they are tied to business metrics.
Not everyone is a strong communicator.
Titles and job descriptions should never dictate action.
Influencers are media.
What are we really going to do differently in 2024?
MD, Global Head of Communications, Payments
11moDude! Well done…
Strategic Communications | Employee Engagement | Storytelling | Innovation | Collaboration | Brand Management
11moAgreed. Also: Beware executives who thank you for your work benefitting shareholders. No one wakes up and excitedly thinks how they’re going to help the company beat earnings. Also, as a Hyundai EV owner, I love my giant go-kart, but I do wish for longer range.
Communication Strategist and Consultant; Founder, #WeLeadComms
11moWell said, Gary F Grates.
Founder @ Redphlag | APR, College of Fellows
11moThis: “Davos has become totally irrelevant to reality. Just a bunch of self-important blowhards who are actually destroying the planet just flying there and back…you can’t make it up!”
YouTube Expert, Digital Marketer & Graphic Designer