MTOPP Town Hall Mayor Adams' City of Yes Housing Text Amendments (Unfortunately WBAI Isn't Airing Live)
Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 at 6:30-9:00 pm
Location: MS 61 - 400 Empire Blvd, corner of NY Ave & Empire Blvd or call (718) 703-3086
To discuss the details of the City of Yes Housing Text Amendments & its affect upon Brooklyn Communities. We will be covering both Brooklyn Community Board 8 and 17 & two Council districts 35 & 40. These areas include low to mid-rise apartment buildings, transit corridors, private one to three family homes (semi & fully attached homes), landmarked districts & areas currently with & without height limits.
We will teach & present information about:
"Affordable'" housing concepts, Destroy & rebuild models, Segregation of Housing, No parking mandates, Affects upon Landmark communities,
Transit Corridors Development, Lack of Population Controls, Speculation, Most vulnerable homes (i.e. semi and fully detached homes, R6 Zones), Removal of Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, Disempowerment of City Council, (LACK of) Infrastructure &Support Systems, Definitions of common Zoning Terms, Comprehensive Plans & Studies, Effects upon Existing & Planned Housing, Protection of Green Spaces, Provide Information Packets
FOR MORE INFO ON COY check out MTOPP's Series of Videos
The Legal and Political Truths of Rezoning in NYC
COY Housing Text Amendments
Economic/Business Text Amendments
Territory Sales Representative at Eldridge Lumber Yard #busybeingconstructive