Ever feel like the push to optimize and streamline everything is actually holding your team back? In the venture studio world, where we’re all about using creativity, design thinking, experimentation and finding the next big thing, I feel that the conventional business wisdom (highly valued by finance's procurement logic) is not always the best. Ok, they're at odds. Finance logic, for example, should not guide strategy because "they don't really accept subjective value". Their "fear of the negative is a much more powerful force than the desire for the positive".
I said what I said. 😎
Efficiency and cost cutting isn’t always the answer, especially in areas like R&D (and design innovation). The easiest (and too often unquestioned) business decisions are the ones that cut costs and yet those may actually kill your business. This has always been why I instinctually challenge conventional business decisions. I believe we should embrace a little chaos, subjective value, and trust that the magic happens in the mess.
Rory Sutherland said it best: "Avoid conventional logic because your competitors will all use that. Test counterintuitive things because your competitors won't." 🔥
What do you think? How do you balance the need for innovation with the pressure to optimize and cut down on your key innovation resources?
📺 https://lnkd.in/g6dt_uYR
*️⃣ My take, my stake.
#VentureStudio #Innovation #startup #CreativeProcess #RethinkingEfficiency
Chief Evangelist Officer 🐜🚀 | People Accelerator 🕵🏼 | International consultant for smart solutions
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