3 common myths about using contractors for your IT Transformation DEBUNKED 😊 #1 Contractors are less invested in the project's success. Experienced contractors understand the importance of project success for their reputation and future contracts. They should therefore be just as committed to the project as a permanent member of staff. #2 Contractors are always more expensive than in-house teams. Upfront costs may seem higher, but contractors can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. You avoid the cost of hiring and training permanent staff for specialist tasks and contractors bring their own tools and resources, minimising additional spend. #3 Contractors disrupt existing team dynamics. As long as you have effective project management, the relationship between contractors and the internal team should be collaborative and communicative. Contractors often bring specialist skills and a fresh perspective, helping knowledge transfer and innovation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you want to find out more about hiring contractors? Get in touch to schedule a call and see if hiring contract resource is the right fit for your organisation. sam@talentlocker.co.uk | IT Transformation & Business Change Recruitment
Sam McWilliam Cert RP Contractors are MORE invested in the success of the project. They have to job hunt frequently, and need to be able to demonstrate that in previous roles they have achieved real business outcomes.
Sam McWilliam Cert RP my experience is we bring skills that are sometimes missing and can share these whilst in a contract hence leaving behind a great and appropriately skilled team
Program Management Office Analyst; Project Management Office Analyst; PMO Analyst; Senior PMO Analyst; PMO Lead; Portfolio Management Office Analyst
6moAll great points made Sam McWilliam Cert RP