Building Propexo has taught me so much about multifamily PM software integrations: 1. Integrations are hard 🤯 If you're struggling to build an integration, you're not alone. I've spoken to many startups that spend 6 months on just a single integration. That's time and money not spent on high-value features & other strategic product capabilities. 2. Integrations enable GTM 🤝 Property owners and managers are increasingly demanding integrations as a prerequisite for doing business. If your product doesn't seamlessly integrate with the PM software they're already using, you'll find it difficult to close sales. 3. Integrations are costly 💰 Be prepared to spend tens of thousands of dollars upfront to access each API before you can start building an integration. Once it is built, you can finally start selling and making money to recoup the costs. Engineering time, lost sales, and upfront spending are massive challenges that can make or break a startup. That's our "why" at Propexo. We provide simple, effective integrations that allow proptechs to grow fast. #proptech #propertymanagementsoftware #integrations #founders #multifamily
Also I found a photo of a secret gathering between members of a few PMS providers at NAA.
no lies here.
Great point on integration!
CEO & Founder at HappyCo (Happy Inspector)
4moThis is a before and after photo of one of our engineers who have been working on integrations for the last few years. He is no longer with us.