NetZero’s Post

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We are thrilled to announce that NetZero is among the finalists of the XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition! What does this mean concretely? That NetZero is recognised as one of the world’s 20 best projects for carbon removal in the most prestigious competition of the industry, funded by the Musk Foundation. Selection criteria for finalists were: - cost per tonne of CO2 removed (lowest possible) - durability (carbon locked for at least hundreds of years), and - scalability (potential of the solution of at least 1 billion tonnes of CO2 removal globally). 2 years ago, NetZero had already been awarded by XPRIZE Carbon Removal, winning a $1 million encouragement prize which turned out to be instrumental in our development. We believe that our unique model (industrial biochar production from crop residues in the tropics, with proprietary technology, close to the sources of biomass, along a fully circular approach that brings numerous co-benefits locally) has been a key differentiator in being selected as a finalist. We intend to continue advocating for this approach - more complex at the beginning, but much more resilient and scalable mid-term. NetZero is now in line for the $50 million Grand Prize of the competition, whose winner will be announced in April 2025 after in-depth audits of all the finalists. We will do our best! In the meantime, congratulations to everyone for the achievement - to our team of course, for the continued effort and dedication, but also to all the finalists and other competing teams, as this is a collective endeavour where everyone is needed! #NetZero #Biochar #CarbonRemoval #XPRIZECarbonRemoval #GettingtoGigatonne

Bravo à toute l'équipe NetZero! We feel honoured and proud to be standing next to such innovative and ambitious solutions. The future looks bright! Let's keep up the good work.

Gabin Alex Nouemssi

Docteur/PhD Physique Appliquée et Ingénierie option Ingénierie des équipements Et Productique(ENSAI), Méthode et planification , Gestion des projets, Matériaux Bio-sources


Ken & Partners. Tuyauterie industrielle acier et inox. Soudages arc MMA, TIG, MIG et MAG. Brasage acier au métal d'apport, brasure à l'argent, soudobrasure laiton. Contrôle Thermique viticole. Froid industriel de hautes technologies…. Appelez nous pour tout projets. +237 696 706 566


Congratulations, NetZero team! It's inspiring to see us all working together for a more sustainable future. Best of luck to everyone as we aim for gigatonne-scale impact! 🌎

Congrats on making the cut to the Top 20 ! Well deserved: so much progress since NetZero got the encouragement prize two years ago! Go #France 🇫🇷

Great Job ! Congratulations on this well-deserved achievement, being in the final of this important competition is a testament to NetZero's vision, ingenuity and dedication to making a positive impact on our planet. EISA - Empresa Interagrícola S.A. is proud to be your partner on this journey

Malcolm Hammer

Compost Urbain-Carbone Urbain-AirMiners


Insetting is key. This has to become the model for CDR businesses.

Hélio Manetta

Seamless pipe business | Steel Industry, from iron and steel making up to pipe hot rolling, production and processes management.


I am sure that NetZero deserves to be among this group not only because its unique DCR model but also by the great commitment of its Team to find a low cost, durable and scalable solution for the enviromental sustenability. Congratulations to the whole team!

Congratulations Axel and the team. this is a major recognition of your vision and progress

Célio Fernandes

Engenheiro Civil, Gestor de Obras, Avaliação e Perícia na Construção Civil


Orgulho em fazer parte do Processo da NetZero em Lajinha/MG !!!

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