Justin Poehnelt has shared a comprehensive look at key-value store options in Google Apps Script. Key-value stores are useful for storing data like user preferences or frequently accessed data, which can also be shared between script executions. As part of Justin's post as well as looking at the built-in store options, PropertiesService and CacheService, there is also a look at scenarios where you might want to consider alternatives like Firestore. The choice of key-value store depends on factors like expiration needs, number of items, value size, access control requirements, latency sensitivity, and cost considerations. Justin's post provides a thorough analysis of each factor, including latency comparisons. Head over to the source link to get all the details! #GoogleWorkspace #GoogleAppsScript Read more →
It would be awesome to be able to authenticate easily Firestore without the need of a service account, which adds some additional latency.
Responsable Customer Success chez Devoteam G Cloud
7moRegarding properties store, there is a great article from Kanshi Tanaike on this medium and in fact you can have one propperty with 500k https://medium.com/google-cloud/report-specification-of-properties-service-for-google-apps-script-198c487f3896 On my side I mostly use Firebase real time database to store data for applicaton. Fast and reliable way to manage data.