I don't often say much about my volunteering work with Short Back & Sidewalks on LinkedIn, much less do I speak of my partner Craig Hollywood and our life together. Craig started Short Back & Sidewalks -- a not-for-profit giving haircuts free of charge and free of judgement to people experiencing homelessness and poverty -- a few years before we met. In late 2017 when we started dating, Short Back & Sidewalks was still in its early phases, and not the main topic of conversation in our initial days together. Watching Craig's passion for helping others and making positive change, I couldn't help but join him on his quest to scale up Short Back & Sidewalks and deliver more services to more people in need. (And anyone in his Short Back & Sidewalks orbit will know what I mean. 😊 ) With Short Back & Sidewalks, I've volunteered my skills in communications and marketing, I've filled countless t-shirt orders and I've even chucked in a few braids at services. I've also contributed less visibly as a sounding board for Craig through the tough growth phases over the course of our relationship. (At one point we even joked that Short Back & Sidewalks was the third wheel in our relationship or the child that we're struggling to have.) And while that may sound like a lot, I can genuinely say I've never seen anyone work as hard as Craig: it's been akin to him working two full-time jobs for the better part of our relationship, but only one of them was paid, and it wasn't Short Back & Sidewalks. Added to this he's shown up for me and for us countless times and in ways that we never imagined we'd need. Alongside this, he has taken every opportunity at his disposal (and I mean EVERY) to help Short Back & Sidewalks grow, and for one fundamental reason -- to help connect with more people in need, and give them an opportunity to receive essential services that may help them on their path home. All this is to say that I'm incredibly proud of Craig and of Short Back & Sidewalks. And if you've ever thought about volunteering your skills, whatever they are, I'd encourage you to turn those thoughts into action -- you never know who you'll be helping or what you'll learn.
Australian Of The Year Western Australia’s Local Hero 2022 | WA Deputy Defence Lead | TEDx Speaker | Founder | Non Executive Board Director
There are lots of people across Australia who’ve been working at Short Back & Sidewalks over the years who don’t get the thanks or recognition they deserve. One of these is my partner Joanna Holcombe who’s volunteered with Short Back & Sidewalks in many different ways which has been hugely impactful to those in need and made sure the organisation was able to take its next steps. Thank you Joanna x
You guys are both amazing 🤩
You’re an incredible human Joanna Holcombe ✨ while I’ve never met Craig, sounds like he is too. Well done team!!!
You are amazing Joanna Holcombe ❤️
We all are proud of Craig ! ✌️
Comms Manager | Video Consultant - AGproduction.co.nz
3moAwesome and important work, Jo & Craig. Well done to you both.