2024 marked 10 years of Handshake. It’s been my philosophy since day one that we’ll get where we want to go by stacking days—putting in the best effort you can every day and then waking up to do it again the next day. This is how we approach building our product, too. Stacking wins day after day to hit goals that feel unthinkably big in the beginning. The big difference is that today we’re building for 15 million students and ~1M employers. These products help students find their way in the world, recruiters reach the right talent, and career educators help students launch their career. Check out what we built this year: https://bit.ly/41AHIM7
2024: Our year of “stackable wins” 🚀 At Handshake, we don't just dream about changing how Gen Z starts their career—we ship it. This year was all about stackable wins: meaningful product improvements that build over time to create real value across our three-sided marketplace. We're building more than a job board. We're creating a social network that gets how Gen Z wants to explore, connect, and grow their careers. Every feature and update is a step towards building the future workforce. Check out all of our 2024 product highlights: https://bit.ly/41AHIM7
The Chris Paul stacking days video is unreal. Man I’m so proud of y’all, keep going!
It seems like yesterday!
Great Vision, Amazing Developers, Best of Breed Product! Congratulations my friend!!
#stackablewins 🌟
Congrats team! Not easy stacking em
What an incredible decade you have had, Garrett Lord! Congratulations on all your successes!
Congrats Garrett Lord - keep going! 💪
Congratulations, Garrett Lord and Handshake team!
Co-founder, COO at Gentrace
2wLegit team with amazing market penetration, congrats on all you've done