NZISM CEO Jeff Sissons recently highlighted WorkSafe research that suggests the health and safety system may be in minor decline, and the use of health and safety ‘expert’ advice and guidance has fallen -
Sissons notes two possible explanations for this decline:
First, some of the activity in 2021 may have been directed to managing and addressing COVID-19, which had waned by 2023.
Second, more difficult economic circumstances may have led businesses to focus and invest less in health and safety.
There is a third possibility - NZISM has taken its foot off the gas, distracted by ideology based on racist human immutable characteristics, identity politics, gender representation, lies and misinformation.
What does Comrade Sissons mean by ‘we’ need to ‘fight’ for better outcomes? Who are ‘we’ and what does ‘fight’ mean? Would that be unionised style activism and disruption?
The NZISM CEO has no mandate from the membership for ‘we’ and certainly none for a ‘fight.’ Such overreach would also be likely to further reduce any willingness to engage with NZISM Politburo generated ‘experts’. Perhaps he doesn’t understand yet the distinction of a professional institute from a trade union.
The WorkSafe Segmentation and insight programme 2023 research survey did however find that ‘more workers feel they have a say in decisions that affect their wellbeing and more workers report the exchange of safety tips and advice in their workplace’. This confirms that Comrade Sissons’ assertion, 560,000 workers would be deprived of health & safety representation by [HSWA and] the regulations was, in fact, just another serving of uninformed activist BS.
Health Safety Environment Quality Consultant
7moIt’s so great to work for such a supportive organization 💕 #wise #womeninsafetyexcellencenz Margaret van Schaik MInstD, CFIOSH, CertFellNZISM, HASANZ