DM01 analysis April 2024 🩻
It would be great to be able to celebrate another month of significant growth in activity, with a corresponding drop in patients waiting more than the constitutional target of 6 weeks. But look a little closer...
Much coverage has been given to new Community Diagnostic Centres ('CDCs') that have opened/expanded over the past 12+ months. But has this investment delivered significant new capacity?
Diagnostic capacity is key to delivering timely investigations. Capacity available to the NHS is difficult to accurately calculate given variables of opening hours per scanner, available workforce resource, skillmix, protocol timings, etc. As such, performed activity is sometimes used as a proxy for capacity.
NHS Trusts directly performed 1.72m imaging tests (across CT, MR, Non-obstetric US and DEXA) in April 2024 which was up from 1.68m in March 2024.
Good news until you realise that two of the largest acute trusts in the country, Guy's & St Thomas' and Imperial College, only began reporting their performed activity from April after a hiatus of several months. Their combined contribution of 40k examinations means that there was actually a REDUCTION in performed NHS activity in April.
The number of patients waiting more than six weeks for imaging increased, up from 186k in March to 205k.
CDC activity is separately reported by NHS providers. In April 2023, 86k imaging tests (across CT, MR, Non-obs US and DEXA) were performed. In April 2024, 180k imaging tests were performed. An additional ~100k tests per month is helpful, but isn't enough when the overall imaging waiting list is growing by an average of 20k referrals per month.
Some of the political parties have pledged in their manifestos to significantly increase the number of scanners. Let's be clear - we DON'T NEED to double capacity - that would be a waste of investment. Whilst a proportion of scanners are required, the provision of hardware alone is of little value, as demonstrated by investment into CDCs, without greater expansion of the associated workforce - and that has to include Radiographers AND Radiologists.
If your trust is struggling to keep up with imaging demand, do reach out. I have an excellent track record of increasing productivity in NHS imaging departments through improved working practices and boosting morale and teamworking. And that doesn't require any capital investment.