🧠 Had a great conversation with my good friend ⚙️ Chris Carolan ⚙️ during our lunch meetup in HTX yesterday. 👏 One of the more valuable trains of thought we explored related to CRM Implemrnation: You can have a starter hub and fail… You can have a professional hub and fail… You can have an enterprise hub and fail… It’s not about the hub or the amount of functions in the CRM, it’s about whether it’s onboarded and implemented correctly to meet the business use case.
It was great catching up with you, sir! It's clear that many are feeling the painful consequences of bad starts on HubSpot. It's time that we, as an ecosystem, come together and face this problem head-on. It won't go away on its own.
Custom solutions that are right for your business, isn't that how the saying goes 😉 People should check out the upcoming Customer Platform HUG with ⚙️ Chris Carolan ⚙️and George B. Thomas if they want to hear more on how they are approaching this topic
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