From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Stay focused on strategic projects despite daily distraction

Stay focused on strategic projects despite daily distraction

From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

Stay focused on strategic projects despite daily distraction

- Every day I hear from leaders who tell me they feel like walking to-do lists, like they're so busy fighting fires they don't have time to work on their projects or strategic objectives. It's no wonder. We're living in an always on, just do it now business environment. As managers try to keep pace, they work longer hours, and remain more tethered to their smart devices, and they still can't seem to get ahead of the curve. If that resonates with you, I've got four suggestions to help you regain control of your days, and refocus on the strategic parts of your position. First, be clear on your goals. What is your overriding purpose for yourself, your team, and your organization? Without a clear road map, you will likely default to fixing problems. You have to know exactly where you're going so you can be intentional about how to prioritize your time. For example, if you know you should be spending more time on coaching your…
