From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Sharing difficult or unwanted news

Sharing difficult or unwanted news

- As most of you know, being a manager is difficult. In fact, there are plenty of times you will have to give people information or feedback they won't like. For example, you aren't getting the promotion. The client isn't happy with you, or we might experience some lay-offs. Because of the sensitive or difficult nature of the information, it's vital that you deliver it correctly. Whether you're going to speak to an individual or the entire team, the steps you should take are the same. The first task is to choose the right communication channel. Usually, the best answer is face-to-face. That shows respect and allows for the clearest communication. If that really isn't possible, the next best option is a video call or a phone call. Another key rule is to not walk in unprepared. Plan the conversation first. Be very clear about the points you wish to make and in which order. If you need to, write them down and take them with…
