From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Managing national political discussions at work

Managing national political discussions at work

From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

Managing national political discussions at work

- I think we can all agree that politics are important and the key when it comes to this topic is respecting that everyone has different views. Whether you're talking about local or national elections it's the same. Engaging the discussion at work requires a more nuanced perspective then you would normally use outside of work. No matter what your personal views might be you have to recognize there's a diversity of opinions on this topic that has to be respected. So it's never acceptable for a leader, a management team, or an owner to tell others how they should think and vote politically. You also can't totally ban political talk at work, that's repressive and generally illegal. It's important to care more about your employees and work culture then your personal political views. So, if you and others choose to talk about politics at work remember the goal. Validate the importance of caring about politics while doing no…
