From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Leading a team when others are older and more experienced

Leading a team when others are older and more experienced

From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

Leading a team when others are older and more experienced

- It's an awkward case of good news, challenging news. The good news, your manager believed your leadership skills really set you apart and assigned you to be a team leader. The challenging news, everyone on your team is older and more experienced than you. Here are four tips to make this situation more seamless for you and for those you'll be leading. First, adjust your mindset. Start thinking about this assignment as an opportunity, rather than a problem. It's a powerful chance to build relationships with people of different ages, and those outside your normal peer group. Also, remember that it's a huge advantage to have people on your team with a vast amount of institutional knowledge and an impressive depth of experience. Don't be intimidated by that. Instead, look at this as an enormous asset. As a leader, you get to tap into the wealth of knowledge and use it to help reach your team goals. Second, value every…
