From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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How to respond when an employee asks for a raise

How to respond when an employee asks for a raise

From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

How to respond when an employee asks for a raise

- One of the best ways to advocate your worth at work is to ask for a raise. But what happens when someone approaches you about a bump in salary? Whether you think that request is appropriate or not, show respect and patience for the person making the inquiry. Be very careful with the word choices in your response. And very deliberate with your body language. People are watching closely for cues to determine what you're thinking. That's a valid request based on your work in the last quarter. Or, are you crazy? You've only been here six months. To make sure this conversation goes as smoothly as possible, try to remain neutral, and approach the request from a place of curiosity. Start the dialogue by showing an interest in the person's rationale and putting the ball back in their court. You might say something like, okay, tell me what you're thinking. Give them the opportunity to state their case first, which also…
