From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Handling private information you can’t share with the team

Handling private information you can’t share with the team

From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

Handling private information you can’t share with the team

- Trust and transparency go a long way toward building productive relationships at work, but at some point in your role as leader, that trust will get put to the test. You may become aware of information that will directly impact your employees, but the company isn't yet ready for that to be made public. Perhaps there's a merger on the horizon, or someone on your team is about to be reassigned, or worse yet, let go. I've been the manager in that situation and having that knowledge, it can be gut-wrenching. If this is a challenge you're facing, here are some things you can do to maintain trust with your employer as well as your staff members. Be transparent by telling your team that changes could be ahead. For example, you can say, "As you know, the company has been facing tremendous challenges. Our financial situation is not optimal, but we're exploring a number of alternatives to rectify that. I've been asked not to…
