From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Handling a promotion offer you don't want

Handling a promotion offer you don't want

- Getting a promotion is great, right? Well, maybe. Sometimes it's exactly what you've been looking for. Other times, maybe not. In fact, there are many reasons people might want to say no. They might love their current role or feel the new role will take up too much time or worry that the new role doesn't fit their career goals. Sometimes, it's just a timing issue and they know that right now they can't subject themselves and their family to this type of change. Okay, but understand that saying no can be risky. You might be seen as not a team player or as somehow unappreciative. It's even possible that saying no can lead to your career stalling out or in you being encouraged to leave the organization. So with those risks in mind, if you really do want to say no then you need to think about how to do this in a way that minimizes the risk you face. Here's how. First, after they make the offer, do not make a summary…
