From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

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Effectively disagreeing with your supervisor

Effectively disagreeing with your supervisor

From the course: Difficult Situations: Solutions for Managers

Effectively disagreeing with your supervisor

- Sometimes you're going to like the decisions made by your supervisor. Sometimes you won't. People don't always agree. However, in organizational life, if we all decided to disagree whenever we felt like it, and never keep our thoughts to ourselves, well, progress would surely stop. So it is true, sometimes we just have to do what we're told. But other times, you can speak up and disagree with your boss if you know how to do it correctly. First, you have to be aware of the risks involved. Your boss might feel threatened when you disagree. And to the extent that your team has knowledge of your views, you could be spreading dissent and hurting team culture if you speak up too often. You can figure out whether or not disagreeing makes sense by first considering the importance of the issue at hand. Is the issue really important to you? Disagreeing about trivial or minor issues never really helps you. Only consider…
