Associate an app with a LinkedIn Page

Last updated: 10 months ago

For certain functionality and products, you’re required to associate your app with a LinkedIn Page. The organization that owns the Page you select will function as the publisher of the app. If you don’t have a Page, you’ve the option to create a Page. Your Page super admin is responsible for approving or denying the request to associate an app with a LinkedIn Page.

Your Page super admin has 30 days to approve the request to associate an app with a LinkedIn Page. Once approved, the association is visible in your app settings.

API Products available to individual developers must have a default Page associated with them and you must select that default Page to proceed with the app creation process.

Members in the European Economic Area and Switzerland can build an application to enable continuous and real-time data sharing of their LinkedIn data from LinkedIn to such application through integration with the Member Data Portability API. To gain access to the Member Data Portability API, members must first create a developer application and select a dedicated default Page in order to request access to the Member Data Portability API. 

member data portability company page

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