News on LinkedIn

Last updated: 2 months ago
LinkedIn has a team of international editors who deliver the news, trends, and insights which can help you make informed decisions in your professional life. Our editors also make sure you understand the most relevant viewpoints on each piece of news. Be sure to follow the LinkedIn News Page for more updates from the team.
You can get the latest news and views through the following features:
Daily Rundown
The Daily Rundown is an easy way for you to get top professional news at the start of your day. You can click on a story from the list to know more about it. When you click on a story, you’ll see a short overview followed by a collection of member posts our editors have picked to provide further perspectives and opinions on the story.

Download the LinkedIn mobile app to receive a notification showing you the Daily Rundown every morning. You’ll receive notifications via LinkedIn on your desktop and mobile app unless you change your notification settings.

The Daily Rundown is currently available in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Australia, India, Japan, France, the Netherlands, Pan-Asia and Pan-Europe (50+ countries).

Today’s News & Views

LinkedIn editors constantly update our platform with trending and latest news. To view these updates, tap the Search bar on your LinkedIn mobile app. On the desktop, it is located on the right pane of the LinkedIn homepage. This feature helps you stay updated with news throughout the day.

Editors picks are posts and comments from members that our editors label as the most relevant and have interesting viewpoints on a specific story. You can comment or repost these posts. If you regularly repost insights or commentary on news in your industry, our editors may choose you for the next Editor’s pick.

Note: While we continue our efforts to optimize your content experience, we generally can't accommodate requests to change or remove specific content.

LinkedIn News Banner

The LinkedIn News banner is an easy way for you to discover and stay current on timely professional news stories and perspectives. You can access the LinkedIn News banner at the top of your Feed on mobile. If you click on the story, you will see relevant articles and LinkedIn posts, including posts from top publishers and journalists, that our editors curated for that topic.

You can remove a LinkedIn News article that appears at the top of your Feed at any time by hitting the close icon on the top right corner of the banner, which will remove the banner from your Feed for 24 hours. 

The LinkedIn News banner is currently only available to members in the United States and Canada.

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