Your recent activity on LinkedIn

Last updated: 2 years ago

You can view your posts or another LinkedIn member’s posts, articles, and profile activity from the Activity section of the profile page. However, if you don’t see any activity in the Activity section of a member’s profile, the member may have set their settings to private, or they may not have any recent activity. If you haven’t had any activity on LinkedIn for 360 days, your Activity section will be hidden from your profile.


To view your recent activity on LinkedIn:

  1. Click the  Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.

  2. Click View Profile.

  3. Scroll down to the Activity section to view your recent activity.

    Note: To view all activities, click Show all activity at the bottom of the section.

  • You can control whether your activity appears in your network’s feed.
  • The Activity section will still appear on your profile, even if you choose not to notify your network about your profile changes.

  • You can always view and delete your activity.

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