This is the first time someone has SURPRISED us with a video about Throne. What 👏 an 👏 awesome 👏 surprise 👏👏👏👏
You can now track your poop health because of this company 👇 So Throne Science is the company behind this product. And it’s essentially an attachment you put on your toilet to track your gut health and hydration. It uses a downward facing camera that captures videos of your “bathroom visits”. And then analyzes it using advanced AI models. Giving you info about: 1️⃣ Your digestive pattern. 2️⃣ How often you go. 3️⃣ Type of bowel movement. 4️⃣ Potential food sensitivities. This product follows a trend I'm very high on. Which is this niche health tracking & wearable space. And with gut health being such a hot topic, giving consumers the the ability to track it is very intriguing to me. #gut #guthealth #hydration #fitness #fitnesstracking #health #healthtracker #wearable #fitnesswearable #fitnesstech