NightHawk Aircraft, LLC reposted this
NightHawk Aircraft, LLC with assistance from Teledyne FLIR, TrellisWare Technologies, Bryodyn Technologies LLC, and SPS ARS is pleased to announce demonstration opportunities 16-18 December across southwest Texas. We will be flying in the vicinity of El Paso on the evening of 16 December and two other locations on the following nights. NightHawk will host visitors from across the US government and foreign nations with prior coordination at a ground "OP" to view Full Motion Video provided by a Teledyne FLIR 380X HD with LOS and BLOS data links and end-user devices provided by TrellisWare and Broyodyn. We will also be posting our FMV to various AMOC's vis SPS ARS Unify C2. Our target for this event is local, state, and federal law enforcement and border protection, as well as DOD and IC. The NightHawk is a low-cost, long-endurance ISR platform with low acoustic and low thermal signatures capable of manned and, very soon, unmanned operations. Its advanced aerodynamic design, high-efficiency turbo-diesel engine, and carbon fiber construction enable a range of up to 5000 NM at cruise or approximately 60 hours of endurance while loitering, with a payload of 500 pounds operating as a UAV. With over 150 cu ft internal and 18 cu ft configurable payload space, the NightHawk is also designed to be rapidly deployable via a C-17, its outer wing panels can be removed in less than 30 minutes by two individuals. There are two (2) hardpoints on the wings designed to carry 450-pound loads, which can be used to carry external sensors and/or auxiliary fuel. The NightHawk's current TRL is 8. To learn more about this demonstration opportunity, please contact me directly at or 850-499-8431 via cell/signal. #DHS #CBP #ISR #bordersecurity