Are you looking to get more involved in local actions? Here is your chance!
The Senate Education Subcommittee on K-12 Education Scholarships will be meeting on December 10th to consider using public funds to give vouchers for private education. On the surface, that seems like a good thing, but vouchers have been found to benefit wealthy families more so than families living in poverty and in rural areas. Additionally, this tactic erodes support and infrastructure for public education (along with book bans and education censorship), and private schools shouldn't receive public funds without public oversight. And you will cringe knowing that most private schools were founded as segregationist schools to fight the integration of public schools 🤮
If you are intimidated by giving public comment in person, this is a great way to dip your toes into engaging with your elected officials! Plus, you don't have to miss work to attend the meeting (although you can stream all meetings, can't say the same with up-to-date recordings of all public meetings). DM me if you want me to look over your response!
More info from League of Women Voters:
#activism #socialchange #southcarolina #protectpubliceducation #civicengagement