GW Law Government Procurement Law Program reposted this
Excited to become a published author with my Note, Uplifting State and Local Procurement Into the Modern World: How the Model Procurement Code's Next Revision Could Adopt the New York Department of Finance's Cybersecurity Principles For Its Own Standards, being just released in the 54:1 Issues of the Public Contract Law Journal. Thanks to the editorial staff and the GW Law Government Procurement Law Program for helping polish this into something I'm proud to have my name attached to. Thanks again to my Note's Adjunct Collin Swan and Notes Editor Carmen Palumbo for working with me in actually developing this piece and for all their feedback throughout the writing process. Lastly, special thanks to Christopher Yukins for getting me interested in this subject area in the first place. When his first assignment to me as a research assistant was to scour state laws for cybersecurity standards in procurement, I had no idea I'd be throwing myself into a field that now dominates my academic career.