Congratulations to CLS Executive Director Debby Freedman for receiving the 2024 Bending the Arc Award from the Philadelphia Bar Association! We had a great time at the Public Interest Law Day reception last week honoring Debby.
The Bending the Arc Award recognizes achievement, resilience, and courage. Debby’s work over her long career, especially as Executive Director since 2015, demonstrates these elements and more. Since Debby began her CLS career in 1992, she has been respected and loved by clients and colleagues for her compassion and steadfast commitment to CLS’s important work, which has been remarkable in its impact for low-income families, not just in Philadelphia but across the country.
In addition to the award, Debby also received a citation on behalf of City Council, presented by Councilmember—and CLS alum!—Rue Landau.
Image descriptions: Different combinations of people posing for photos together at the Public Interest Law Day reception.
Image 1: Debby Freedman, CLS Executive Director and Catherine Carr, Former CLS Executive Director
Image 2: Councilmember Rue Landau, CLS Alum and Debby Freedman, CLS Executive Director
Image 3: Hillary S., Penn Law student; Debby Freedman, CLS Executive Director; Jamie Gullen, CLS Managing Attorney - Employment Unit; Janet Ginzberg, CLS Alum; Suzanne Young, CLS Alum; Sharon Dietrich, CLS Litigation Director; Nadia Hewka, CLS Attorney; David W. Huang, CLS Attorney; and Brendan Lynch, CLS Attorney
Image 4: Paul Uyehara, CLS Alum; Kerry E. Smith, CLS Divisional Supervising Attorney, Homeownership & Consumer Rights Unit; Debby Freedman, CLS Executive Director; Irv Ackelsberg, CLS Alum and Former CLS Board Member
Image 5: The Honorable Kay Kyungsun Yu, Former CLS Board Member and Chair of PA IOLTA; Debby Freedman, CLS Executive Director; Regina Foley, Board President of PA Legal Aid Network; Meredith Rapkin, Executive Director of the PA Legal Aid Network
Image 6: Kadeem Morris, Co-Managing Attorney, CLS Housing Unit; Vikram Patel, Managing Attorney, Energy Unit; Professor Lou Rulli, Former CLS Executive Director; Michael LiPuma, Former CLS Board chair