Check out Nick Mehta and I talking through the new Gainsight Benchmarks App we just jointly released (powered by BenchSights). Why should anyone care about BENCHMARKS? Answer: Human Nature Let me break it down -- Doesn't everyone want to know... How are we DOING? not in the abstract. But versus our PEERS! And what can we change to PERFORM BETTER. That's what Gainsight Benchmarks addresses -- specifically for ANYONE running CS. Oh... and what's different here, is that this is NOT just a static benchmarking report with last year's data! Instead, much of the data is REAL ANONYMIZED, AGGREGATED DATA. The good stuff. And users can CHOOSE THEIR COMP SET -- it's all interactive! And where will you get better data than from the gorilla in the space -- Gainsight?! Nowhere!!! For now, this is available exclusively for Gainsight customers. I'm so pleased to be partnered with Courtney Hauser and here team on this! More posts coming on this in the days ahead...
Lots of people know me as the CEO who never stops talking about Taylor Swift, sharing sappy stories about my kids, and sometimes discussing #CustomerSuccess. Today, I'm focusing on the latter. 😄 I'm thrilled to share a glimpse into a groundbreaking project with our partner, David Spitz, founder of BenchSights. David, in partnership with our amazing CS Ops team, Courtney Hauser (and GS alumn Tyler McNally!), crafted a new benchmarking tool in CS data analysis to compare things like... 🔮 Average accounts and ARR per CSM 🔁 CSM to CS Ops ratio 💰 CS % spend on ARR ...and pretty much every CS performance metric such as NPS, NRR, and GRR What metrics matter the most to you? How can we make this tool even more useful? 💡