You're facing setbacks in your thought leadership journey. How can you effectively manage your time?
As a thought leader facing setbacks, effective time management is key. Here's how to stay on track:
How do you adjust your schedule when facing obstacles? Share your strategies.
You're facing setbacks in your thought leadership journey. How can you effectively manage your time?
As a thought leader facing setbacks, effective time management is key. Here's how to stay on track:
How do you adjust your schedule when facing obstacles? Share your strategies.
Repeat after me...."No." Sometimes, saying no is just as powerful as saying yes. The more attention and influence we gain, the more opportunities come our way—but not every opportunity deserves a yes. If everything is important, then nothing is. Prioritize what truly matters and aligns with your vision. Protect your time and focus on the right things, not just everything. Success is built on clear priorities and intentional choices.
Delegation is a critical part of any business journey and knowing who to and when to delegate is also important. Sometimes it’s just the pressures of today’s business that prevent our thought leadership and strategic journey making the progress we had expected. - Know where you are on your plan and where the pressure points are. - Be prepared to say ‘no’, allowing others to drive thing forwards drives collaboration but also builds trust in others whilst allowing you more freedom to focus on what you need to do. - Step back and take time out to assess the situation. Like the saying says “you can’t see the wood for the trees” sometimes it’s just about taking time to reflect, assess and adapt.
Facing setbacks in your thought leadership journey can be frustrating, but managing your time effectively is crucial for staying on course. Prioritize tasks that align with your long-term vision, focusing on activities that directly contribute to building your authority, such as writing, speaking engagements, or networking. Use time-blocking techniques to minimize distractions and create dedicated time for deep work. It’s also important to reassess and adapt your strategy when setbacks occur, allowing flexibility to adjust your approach while staying focused on your ultimate objectives. By consistently managing your time and maintaining a proactive mindset, you’ll continue to grow and overcome obstacles on your thought leadership path.
It's more about prioritising your time because for many of us, we increasingly have busy schedules. And one of the things we all must prioritise is to create space and time to be able to collect our thoughts and to think deeply. This is important for all thought leaders as clear thinking is a necessary ingredient to be able to come up with insightful and incisive views.
To be able to tap into Thought Leadership I have to allow time for letting my brain wander and not allow pressing tasks to creep in. I often allow for this time in the morning, and somewhat jokingly refer to it as my, “ Buddha time.”
Harnessing technology and automation is essential for overcoming obstacles and sustaining productivity. By integrating advanced tools, thought leaders can streamline workflows, optimize time management, prioritize high-impact tasks, and navigate challenges with efficiency and foresight.
Think about what you really think. Let that drive your decision-making. Yes, it sounds obvious. But there is no leadership without that commitment and passion that comes from your own belief and that is sharpened by some research and reflection. Don’t write or speak or post for its own sake. Be comfortable that you have something to contribute.
Setback in thought leadership does not have anything to do with managing your time, primarily. First, it’s about managing your priorities and aligning it with your WHY. Spend time reading and trying to find your passion and where you need to develop more in order to develop and strengthen your thought leadership. And in doing so, you will have to spend time differently, quiet time, reading, reflecting and saying no to a lot of things that just keep you busy. Spend time on quality and not quantity.
Gerenciar o tempo é um dos maiores desafios em momentos de contratempos. 🕒 Uma estratégia que funciona bem para mim é priorizar as tarefas que estão mais alinhadas ao impacto que quero gerar e delegar aquelas que podem ser executadas por outros. Além disso, estabelecer limites claros para evitar distrações é essencial. Como você organiza seu tempo para superar desafios e manter o foco na sua visão?
One strategy that has always been effective for me in managing my time is to start working very early, when everyone is still sleepimg. These are 2 hours in which I have no interruptions and it allows me to concentrate on what is important. Another strategy is to have few tabs open on the computer and, finally, only answer phone calls from our loved ones or key personnel within the organization. The rest by email or WhatsApp.
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