Testing your prototype is an important step in the design process, as it can help you to evaluate the usability, value, feasibility, scalability, and impact of your solution. Depending on what you want to learn and who you want to test with, you can use different methods and tools. For instance, user testing involves observing how real or potential users interact with your prototype and gathering feedback on it. You can conduct user testing in person or remotely, moderated or unmoderated, and qualitative or quantitative. To help with user testing, you can use usability testing platforms, video conferencing tools, screen recording tools, and survey tools. Stakeholder testing is another option that involves testing with people who have a stake or interest in your solution. This type of testing can be done through interviews, presentations, demos, or workshops. Lastly, A/B testing is a method of comparing two or more versions of your prototype to measure how they perform on a specific goal or metric. This type of testing can be done using online platforms, web analytics tools, or email marketing tools.